The first time I experienced a gong bath was in the Northern Quarter, here in Manchester, in a little unassuming yoga studio. My sister Theresa and I had been recommended sound bath healing by a friend. Little did we know the sound bath healing journey we were about to embark on. So what is Sound Bath Healing? Let’s take a look…

My first session of sound bath healing started with a recommendation and a little curiosity. I headed to the session hoping for ultimate relaxation and Theresa was there to de-stress after a recent break up. The session began as any typical yoga or meditation class, lying down on mats. Our healers for the evening were John and June Shapter from The Chiron Institute. Around the room was a fairly comprehensive looking array of gongs, singing bowls and drums. June began with a guided meditation, talking us down into full relaxation.
Following the guided meditation talk down, John and June began playing the gongs, building up a sea of sound. I remember feeling very relaxed, safe and warm. The next thing I knew I could hear June’s voice in the distance and the gentle sound of the chimes to signal the end of the session. I was in a state of ultimate relaxation, like the kind of relaxation you feel when you nod off in the sun. Maybe I’d fallen asleep? whatever happened, I felt very relaxed! Others were experiencing different emotions, from elation to tears.
So, what is Sound Bath Healing?
When you tell people you’ve had a sound bath, one of the first things they ask is if you’re immersed into water. To clarify, there is no water involved. It’s literally a bath of sounds. You are fully immersed in sound waves, that build up to have an effect on the body. The vibrational energy from the gongs is an ancient tool used to help the mind and body to fully relax.
Mind & Body Relaxation
I mentioned previously that some people in the sound bath healing session were moved to tears. The vibrations from the gongs can have a transformative effect. As the gongs sound vibrations effect the water in the cells that make up your body, they have the power to release blockages. If you’ve been holding on to emotions or going through some stuff, then sound healing can help you to release those blockages. This might result in tears, but that’s good, tears are healthy! If you’ve tried meditation and never managed to ‘get into it’ then sound bath healing can create a similar physical state of relaxation and all you have to do is lie back and relax.

Sound Bath Skeptic?
Music and sounds can often let out a hidden side in us all. Music such as the blues has helped people express themselves through challenging times. Rock n roll has always inspired fun and anti-establishment rebellion. Writing music and songs can allow you to say things you wouldn’t otherwise say in public. For sound bath skeptics, I guess all I can say is that it’s impossible to deny the power that music and sound can have on our physical emotions. Like songs often have the power to lift us up or to reduce us to tears. To be fully immersed in a sea of sounds effects every cell in your body.

Sound Healing Therapist
If you’re thinking of trying out sound bath healing, it is prudent to do your research and learn a little about the practitioner. As with a lot of alternative practices, you need to be sure you are going to have a positive experience and be in the hands of a capable, fully trained sound therapist.
If you’re into music and healing then there are some great career avenues to combine the two, like becoming a Sound Therapist. There are lots of places you can learn to practice, play and embrace music, like at Kent State Online. For lots of us music is an escape from the everyday. Music and sound has the power to transport us and to heal.
For the hours following our first ever sound bath experience I felt the after effects of a full body detox. I was dehydrated and drinking lots of water, was a little achy and very tired. That night I slept so well and the days that followed, I felt as light as a feather and was calm, mellow and felt very peaceful.
“One good thing about music, when it hits you feel no pain”
-Bob Marley
Stay fabulous
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