Holistic interior design focuses not just on the look and functionality of your interior, but how it supports wellness. Holistic interior design is making sure our environment is designed in such a way that it best supports our wellness journey and creates balance for mind, body and soul. Here’s a look at why Holistic interior design is the future.

Our wellness journey is so much more than just eating healthy food and practicing yoga. It’s about the connection to our surroundings, our family, friends, our creativity, our purpose and our approach to self-love. Our interior should support our physical, spiritual and mental wellbeing. If our home has the power to cause us stress and anxiety, then it also has the power to heal us, right?
There are many elements that can be utilised in our interiors to help us heal, like Essential oils, space for meditation and yoga, considering Feng Shui, colour therapy and crystal healing. As our lives get busy and we get caught up in the daily grind, having a sanctuary to retreat to is a necessity for our wellbeing.
Holistic Interior Design
The discovery process within holistic interior design is so individual and it’s going to stick around for the foreseeable future because it causes you to think about why you like certain colours, textures and ultimately how you want to feel. Holistic interior design changes the narrative from starting with outside influences, to starting instead with, who you are and extending that into your environment and the world around you. Why? So you can end up in a space that not only reflects your individuality, but also brings you comfort, relaxation, growth and motivation to reach your goals.

Where to Begin
The best place to start when revamping a space that is driven by holistic interior design methods is to take a look within yourself. You can do this by generating a list of all of major parts of being; spirit, soul, mind, and body. Jot down the challenges you are facing in these areas, the victories you’ve accomplished, the habits you’ve developed and the goals you want to set in these areas of your life. This will create an authentic starting point for your holistic interior design goals. Then you can start working on calming colours that make you feel whole and at peace.
You can begin choosing layouts for your home office that give you a sense of motivation and confidence, start by moving your office desk into the Feng Shui “power position”. The kitchen won’t just be the rustic or farmhouse kitchen of your dreams, instead, it’ll become the kitchen that was designed to meet your individual needs from inside out. A home designed from a holistic approach is going to help you connect your identity, purpose and help your friends and family connect with each other in your home.

Feng Shui
A design practice that naturally fits within holistic interior design is Feng Shui. Feng Shui is not just a design technique that enhances your space, but is considered an art. It is the art of designing a space centered around balance and harmony within. It’s important when incorporating this practice to clear out any messy spaces. Going in with a goal of minimalism will help you declutter and get rid of the material possessions that you don’t need anymore. Once you’ve completed this step, you can start creating balance in your home by arranging the objects within a space starting from the layout all the way down to decor pieces and furniture in a way that helps you feel relaxed. The end result should be one that leaves you feeling peaceful and restful.
“A holistic interior design uses various healing modalities with the intent of balancing the mind, body, and soul to maintain homeostasis.”
– Alycia Wicker

Feng Shui revolves around five main elements; earth, wood, fire, water, and metal. Determine which areas of your home can reflect pieces of these Feng Shui elements. You could start by adding more plants and small rock fountains within a space. Or you can reflect some of the earthy elements of the garden within your home. Start small and see if you feel peaceful about the design arrangements you make and go from there. Feng Shui doesn’t have to be an all-out throw away and re-do everything in sight process, instead make it your own and adjust where you deem necessary. Create harmony and balance.
Natural Materials
Choosing natural materials within your interior will help to increase a feeling of harmony with the natural world. For example countertops in your kitchen and bathroom are surfaces that are used every day and multiple times a day. Choosing materials that support your purpose and usage will help you to feel at peace knowing that you’re supported. Materials like granite, quartz and marble are a valid investment, you can shop for natural countertops at Marble.com, their durability will leave you without the headache of wear and tear and future repair costs. There are many other choices in the natural stone category that may be a good fit, and other real wood choices that can also connect you to the natural world and support your daily needs.

Going Green
Holistic interior design is the future because it means going green with your design practices. There are countless initiatives to create green parks, office buildings, and homes and that’s not going away anytime soon. To go green, think about materials that don’t emit VOCs (volatile organic compounds), incorporate plants in your home, and take steps to keep your home chemical free. The future of design looks environmentally friendly which means healthier environments and healthier homes. This is a huge part of holistic design because holistic interior design aims at making you the healthiest version of yourself spiritually, mentally, and physically.
Holistic Interior Design is the future…
As humans we are always going to try to find ways to optimise who we are. Holistic interior design helps us explore the best version of ourselves and live in a space that support that identity. Try incorporating holistic design ideas on your next renovation project.
Stay fabulous
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