Whether you’re planning on putting your house on the market in the near future or you’re just looking at ways to improve the value of your home, there are a few eco-friendly home improvements you can do help you get the maximum amount for your home and help the planet (a little bit) in the process.

Eco-Friendly Home Improvements
Add plants to up the curb appeal
First impressions really do count when it comes to selling your home. Whilst you can’t change the location of your home, you can make sure it’s the best looking house on the street. Before the estate agent comes to value your property make sure you’ve tidied up your front garden. Add fresh flowers and plants to improve the environment for wildlife and give a better first impression of your home.
Even if you only have a yard, potting up some plants like lavender can help bring a bit of life and colour to your exterior and if possible hide the bins! Whether it’s in a bin store or around the back of the house.
Give it a fresh lick of eco-friendly paint
There’s nothing worse than viewing a prospective home and noticing scuff marks on the walls or chipped paint around doorways. To help you sell your house for the highest price, spend a day making a snagging list and set to work on painting those areas that need a fresh lick of paint to bring it back to life. And if possible, go neutral – but remember neutral doesn’t have to mean white or magnolia. Be sure to use eco-friendy paint to avoid harmful chemicals.
Upgrade the heating
Investing in more eco heating solutions can add value to your home, you might be thinking that a new gas boiler really can pay dividends when it comes to attracting buyers willing to pay over the odds for your home. There are lots of alternative, eco-friendly ways to heat your home. And whilst you wait for your house to sell, you’ll be saving on bills too. Don’t forget to switch to a renewable energy provider, like Bulb.
Photography by Annie Spratt