If you were asked to think about sustainable furniture materials, your mind would probably think of things like bamboo, etc. Certainly, wood would be way down your list of sustainable materials. When we see wood, we think about deforestation and the destruction of our planet. Naturally, this makes us think it isn’t a very good material to use in a green home.

The reality is far different from this. Believe it or not, wood is genuinely a very sustainable furniture material. In fact, some people argue it is the most sustainable choice. How is this possible? Well, here are three reasons wood is a lot greener than you think:
Wood is a renewable material
The more you think about wood, the crazier it seems. We sometimes forget that this material is completely natural and grows all by itself. All you need to do is harvest the wood and it can be turned into so many beautiful things. Then, we can replant trees and grow more wood! Effectively, you have a material that replenishes itself year after year. You need to look for the FSC Certification when looking for sustainably sourced wood.
FSC’s certification enables businesses and consumers to choose wood, paper and other forest products made with materials that support responsible forestry.
In comparison, think about some of the other materials that furniture is made from. A good way to do this is by looking at RJ Living’s range of entertainment units. You have some wood products, but you also have ones made from metal or other materials. Choosing metal furniture means everything has to be constructed using chemical processes and way more manufacturing. When compared to everything else, wood is by far the most renewable material you can use for furniture production.
Wood stands the test of time
Sustainability is all about finding ways to keep using things and cut down on waste. Wood is a perfect example of this. Wooden furniture is always built to last – you could have an oak dining table that will literally last decades. In fact, if you look at some of the antique furniture that’s been around for hundreds of years, it is all wood-based!
Other furniture materials are nowhere near as resilient. Therefore, they will need to be replaced more often, which is not a sustainable practice at all. Wooden furniture is a smart investment because it lasts for years and years.
Wood manufacturing has minimal waste
When you look at items of furniture – like a wooden chair or chest of drawers – you assume that it is all made from a tree that’s been chopped down. Technically, that is the case, but wood manufacturing has the benefit of generating almost zero waste.
You see, when wood is used to make things, any of the offcuts and unused pieces can then be used to make something else. Your wooden dining table might be made from the unused pieces of a wooden bed or wardrobe. It is such a versatile material to use in manufacturing, meaning hardly any waste is generated by furniture production. At least, way less is generated in comparison to other materials.
Clearly, wood is much more sustainable than you initially think. So, if you want to create a more sustainable and eco-friendly home, it’s a good idea to stick to wooden furniture whenever possible.
You might also enjoy reading our interview with Susan Inglis- Executive Director of the Sustainable Furnishings Council.