For any of you either on furlough or working from home, here are three healthy recipe ideas that are super easy to make, tasty and nourishing. If you’re anything like me, you’ll love recipes that are easy to follow and don’t require too much fuss. These recipes boast a variety of natural ingredients with health benefits, ranging from immune boosting to anti-inflammatory to calm your nervous system.

Two Ingredient Paleo Pancake
This two ingredient Paleo Pancake is my go-to breakfast recipe. When looking for healthy recipe ideas, this is the ultimate easy breakfast choice. It’s seriously easy to make and you only need a banana and egg to make it. This recipe has been a longstanding favourite in our house and one that you’re sure to love. Once you have your mixture ready, use coconut oil to fry the pancake, the coconut oil adds an extra sweetness.

Healthy Vegetable Soup Recipe
So, typically you might associate a warming Vegetable Soup with Autumn. However, whilst on lockdown we’ve been leaning towards this easy, healthy soup recipe. We have been batch-cooking healthy soups as much as possible, as this means fewer trips to the shops. We simply make a batch of soup on a Sunday and then store in the fridge for the week ahead. Perfect for easy healthy lunches.

Golden Milk
During this uncertain time of stress and unavoidable anxiety, a warming Golden Milk is perfect for calming your nervous system. Drinking a plant-based milk with beautiful Turmeric is a lovely, gentle anti-inflammatory. Curcumin is a compound found within the turmeric, and has been shown to reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. Turmeric has so many health benefits, adding turmeric to your diet is great for boosting your immune system.
“Our bodies are our gardens – our wills are our gardeners.”
~William Shakespeare
Stay fabulous, stay home, stay healthy.