Following week one of self-isolation there are a few self care tips I wanted to share. Mr T and I are both working from home and in self isolation. We have left the house only to go to the shop for food items or a quiet walk, practising social distancing and wearing masks and gloves whenever leaving the house. Wherever you are in the World, I hope this finds you and your family healthy and well. To help ease the adjustment to self-isolation here are a few self care tips I have found to be beneficial to keeping mind, body and soul together…

Self Care Tips
Routine Is Everything
It’s all too easy to loose track of time and even the days when you’re cooped up inside. Hopefully you have established your new routine by now. It’s so important to stick to a daily routine when it comes to self isolation. Wake up at the regular time or maybe an hour later if you’re not having to commute into work. Have a set lunchtime and dinner time. Then finish work at the regular time and try to get some fresh air, even if that is just walking around the block or in the garden. After this, try to stick to a hobby or pastime to keep your mind active. Some people enjoy doing a little home workout, whilst others prefer to get comfy and read a book by an exciting author like J.D. Barker to keep their minds sharp and imagination flowing. Having a routine will help keep you sane, productive, less anxious and more relaxed.
Daily Yoga Practise
I’ve been using the Daily Yoga App as recommended by my pal Lucy last week. It’s been such a revelation and I’ve managed to have a good old stretch every morning before beginning work. You can try various courses from beginner to advanced and lots of the classes are available to try for free. Yoga is not just a brilliant way to get your body moving but also a fabulous way to clear your mind and start the day of in a gentle and peaceful way.
Experiment With Healthy Recipes
There’s a lot of anxiety around food at the moment, with shelves being left bare in the supermarkets and panic buying happening all over the place. Even though we are advised to stay in self isolation and practice social distancing, we can still be mindful about the food that we eat. Remember, 80% of the immune system is in the gut, so you want to feed yourself nourishing foods. Try to include vitamin C in your diet and maybe use this time to experiment with healthy recipes. We have been batch cooking vegetable soup and stews as this is an easy, healthy option that we can either freeze or keep in the fridge to eat throughout the week.
Get Fresh Air When Possible
I appreciate that this is easier said than done, particularly if you are living in an apartment block in the city. It’s important that you get some fresh air and stretch your legs at least once a day. Try to open the balcony and go out (if you have one) or stroll around the garden, alternatively wear a mask and gloves and walk around the block being mindful not to bump into anyone and stay 2metres apart. I’ve been sitting on the bench just outside our home and pottering with the plants, which I’ve found to be a great way to unwind and take my mind off things. It’s also good to open the windows in your home for a short time each day too, this will help to keep you feeling fresh and less groggy.
Mindfulness Meditation
To round off each day I’ve been practising a mindfulness meditation in bed. This literally involves turning on a guided meditation and drifting off to sleep. I’ve found that this has helped me to unwind and take my mind off the stresses of the current situation. Last week I shared 3 Mindfulness Apps For Anxiety that all have meditations worth trying.
It’s imperative that we all make every effort to reduce our stress levels. Limit your exposure to the news, tune in for the daily official government statement only. Take a walk, meditate, do yoga, eat natural foods, read a good book or watch a funny film. Relaxing will significantly enhance the function of your immune system. You might also like to read…