If you’re lucky enough to have a garden, you want to ensure you’re making the most of your outdoor space. These six simple ways to make your garden more eco-friendly will be beneficial to your family and the local wildlife. If you’ve been meaning to spruce things up but don’t know where to start then don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. You don’t need to be particularly green-thumbed to give your garden a new lease of life.

Make Your Garden More Eco-Friendly
1. Let it grow, let it grow…
Once in a while, the best way to help wildlife is to do nothing, put your feet up and let nature do the rest. The RSPB are challenging you to leave your lawn and let it grow. Letting the plants grow wild, especially if you have a lawn, is a big help for insect wildlife. Take part in the Wild Challenge and go for gold!
2. Plants for bees and butterflies…
Another quick way to improve your garden is to consider which plants you can grow to attract bees and butterflies. When choosing plants for your garden, select nectar rich flowers which will provide an energy source for bees and other pollinating insects throughout the year. Try growing traditional cottage garden flowers and native wild flowers. Plants that are great for bees include:
- lungwort
- bugle
- ivy
- echinacea
- many herbs such as thyme, marjarom and borage.
Overall, 76% of the UK’s resident and regular migrant butterfly species declined in either abundance or occurrence (or both) over the past four decades.
– Butterfly Conservation
3. Create a spot to watch the birds…
To make your garden more eco-friendly and truly enjoy your work, you’ll need a spot to sit and watch the birds, bees and butterflies. You can take on a DIY project and create a new seating area. Whether it’s paving slabs for a patio or building wooden decking. It’s important you’re properly prepared for whatever project you decide to take on. Get the right equipment you need and follow the safety instructions and make sure to wear protective gloves and shoes so you don’t hurt yourself.
4. Upcycle furniture
Here’s another fun and sustainable DIY project you can take on. Upcycling your furniture is a simple way of improving your garden. If your garden furniture is currently looking worse for wear, instead of investing in new pieces, you could simply add new soft furnishings to it or paint it. You can even get creative with your old furniture and find new functions for them in your garden. For instance, an old drawer could become a plant holder.
The benefits of composting your garden and kitchen waste are two-fold. You’re reducing the amount of waste sent to landfill and providing a habitat for a range of minibeasts.
– Wildlife Trust
5. Make your own compost…
Improve your soil health to grow healthier, happier plants by adding homemade compost. Lots of compost or well-rotted manure will keep your soil teeming with essential micro-organisms. Simply dig in a large bucketful every few feet when planting, or spread around plants as a mulch each spring. Read our Composting Guide For Beginners to find out more.
Your garden should be a space that makes you happy. There are lots of simple, but effective, ways you can improve the space. What’s one thing you’ve done to make your garden more eco-friendly?
Photography by Annie Spratt