Opting to transform your wardrobe into an all-singing, all-dancing sustainable situation can seem like a tough challenge. It needn’t be that difficult. Follow these five simple steps to create an eco-conscious wardrobe that you love. As with any type of clean up operation, it’s gradual and cannot be rushed.

Create Your Eco-Conscious Wardrobe
Step 1: If You Own Fast-Fashion Pieces- Keep Them and Wear Them.
If you already have a selection of fast-fashion pieces that you love, keep them and wear them. You can love these pieces and utilise them to their fullest potential. There is no sense in getting rid of items that you already own, wear and love. You can always mix and match fast-fashion pieces with vintage and sustainable fashion items.
Step 2: Declutter Your Existing Wardrobe.
Try on the pieces that you already own and decide which pieces you love. If you own lots of fast-fashion pieces and don’t wear them anymore and want to get rid of them, ask your friends, relatives and loved one if they would like them. Alternatively, donate them to your local charity shop. See that these items go to a good home and not a landfill. It’s essential to declutter your existing wardrobe to be able to hone your personal style.
Step 3: Identify Your Personal Style
As you declutter, you will be able to identify the pieces that you always wear and that you love. No doubt there will be a few impulse purchases buried in the depths of your wardrobe, again donate them. These impulse buys might have seemed like a great idea at the time, but now they are just clogging up your space. Try on all of your clothing, see which items no longer fit or you’ve been meaning to repair for years. It’s time to let go of the items that no longer fit, let them go to a new happy home. Thank and release any pieces that are no longer inline with your current style and that may have been bought hastily on a whim.
Step 4: Buy Vintage Or Pre-Loved
Buying vintage or pre-loved is a fabulous way to be sustainable, it can be a budget-friendly way to invest in new-to-you items or a great way to invest in collectable designer pieces. You can find excellent designer vintage pieces on websites like 1st Dibs or look for great vintage clothing auction websites, in contrast you can use platforms like depop or poshmark in the US for more affordable choices.
Step 5: If It Is Essential To Buy, Opt For Sustainable Brands Or Rent!
If you have a big event or special occasion, you could consider renting a piece of clothing. Sounds radical, but it means you get to have a new outfit every time you go out to an event and that you don’t end up having a wardrobe packed full of gowns! There will be times when you need to buy a new item. Be considerate before making the decision of what to buy. Think about the source, who and what is it made from. What impact is the purchase going to have on the planet and people involved in its creation? Making fewer, considered, mindful purchases will help you to create a wardrobe of items that you totally love and feel great about buying.
Stay fabulous