These five simples ways will help you to reduce your fashion consumption. When it comes to fashion, many of us have been guilty of buying too much and not really thinking about the impact that might have. But more and more people are now thinking about the environmental problems that the overconsumption of clothes and fashion items can create. It’s no longer considered ethical to consume at a high rate, especially when it comes to clothes. So how can you reduce your consumption and make things more sustainable? Read on to find out.

5 easy ways to reduce your fashion consumption…
Cut Out Fast Fashion
First of all, you should try to do your best to cut out fast fashion. This is the trend of buying cheap clothes that are cheap to make and that don’t last very long. People tend to buy them and then view them as disposable, and this has clear implications for the planet. The disposable mindset won’t serve you or the planet well in the long-term and cutting out cheap throwaway purchases is the first step when trying to reduce your fashion consumption.
Borrow and Lend with Friends
Borrowing and lending clothes among your friend group can be a good way to get the variety you’re all looking for without having to buy new clothing items regularly. They probably have just as many excess clothing items as you do. And they might want to borrow something from you and you might want to borrow from them. It’s a much more sustainable way of doing things.
13 MILLION items of clothing being sent to landfill every week in the UK
– Oxfam
Buy Second-Hand Clothes More Often
When you do want to buy clothes, you should try to always find a used second-hand solution before buying new. It might not be what you’re used to, but once you discover the range of amazing second-hand vintage items out there, you’ll fall in love. There are so many great bargaining and buying used is always better for the environment too.
Be More Selective with Each Purchase You Make
It’s important to consider your purchases more carefully if you’re going to make more ethical purchasing decisions. When you need new Ladies Loungewear, think about durability and how much you need those things. If you know you’re going to be using them a lot and you know that you’re buying high-quality items that are going to last for a long time to come, that makes it a good buy.
Learn to Carry Out Basic Repairs on Your Clothing
When your clothing items present problems, your first instinct might be to just throw them out and get rid before replacing them with something else. But that’s hardly ideal if you’re trying to reduce your consumption habits. So learn to carry out basic repairs like sewing things up or reattaching buttons. Those skills will serve you very well and help you to make your clothes last longer as well.
As you can see, there are many things we can all do to make to reduce your fashion consumption of clothing and fashion more ethical, more sustainable and generally better for the planet. So why not start adopting the five things discussed above and see how it ends up working out for you?