Moving to a new home is exciting, especially for those who have managed to finally buy a home. In recent times, people have started incorporating eco-friendly practices into their daily activities. Some of these include home improvements that are eco-friendly. These eco-friendly practices promote good health and also help in saving you money and the planet, in the long run. In this post, we look at seven eco-friendly home improvement ideas for a new home that could also apply in your current home.
Eco-Friendly Home Improvement Ideas:

Use Solar Energy
Install solar panels on your roof to generate energy to use in the house. A solar power system obtains pure and clean energy from sun rays. This will help in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and use of fossil fuel. Generating solar energy is beneficial as you can sell excess electricity to a power utility company.
Also, after the initial cost of installing the solar panels, you will not incur any other charges. This is contrary to what happens when you obtain power from the utility company where you are charged for the power every month. These bills can be overwhelming and incorporating this energy you will save and enjoy your energy in doing extra activities.
Use Green Flooring
Some types of flooring can contaminate the air by producing volatile organic compounds that are used to manufacture them. Instead of installing such flooring, go for eco-friendly flooring made from natural- fibres and wood which are derived from durable renewable resources. Carpet made from reeds and grass is also available as well as flooring tiles made from stone, hardwood, ceramic, and bamboo. Not only do they look great, they are healthier for you and the planet.
Tankless Water Heater
A tank water heater involves heating all the water in the tank even when you are not using it all. Instead of having such a tank, install a tankless water heater. By doing this, you will only heat the water that is needed at the time. The heater gives you hot water within seconds as opposed to a water tank where you have to wait a few minutes for the water to heat up.
Another advantage is reduced costs due to less energy used to heat water. Also, the heaters are smaller hence can fit well in smaller properties. The heaters come generally in electric or gas models with the gas model being more cost saving.
Build With Reclaimed Wood
Timber salvaged from old buildings or furniture can be repurposed for up-cycling, building walls or for flooring. When you use reclaimed wood, you lessen deforestation by reducing the demand of new timber.
The use of reclaimed wood reduces waste in landfills. Instead of buying new building materials, you can find reclaimed materials from builders yards, the tip, scrap yards and salvage yards. These old timbers can be given a new lease of life, look great and help to reduce deforestation and waste.
Declutter Your Home
Home decluttering helps in creating space and harmony in the home.
Get rid of unnecessary and unused items before moving into your new home. Start with your wardrobe and donate clothes that you no longer wear. This will create room, make moving easier and also allow you do donate to a worthy cause.
Plant Herbs
Planting herbs in pots inside your home or your garden log cabin will not only save you money but also supply a nice fragrance in the house. Also, some herbs such as lavender, mint, and basil are insect repellents; therefore you will not incur the cost of purchasing toxic insecticides in plastic bottles. These herbs repel mosquitoes, ants, bugs, houseflies, among many other insects.
Line-Dry Your Laundry
Get yourself a washing line! When the weather is sunny, skip the dryer and dry your clothes out in the sun. This dries clothes better and also prolongs their lifespan, as using a dyer is damaging to clothes. Hang the clothes in the backyard or garden and in the absence of a garden, you can dry the clothes on your balcony.
In conclusion, eco-friendly improvements in the home will help in reducing pollution to the environment. When moving home, consider these improvements to make your home more habitable. In many cases, adopting eco-friendly home improvements and habits will save you money.