Springtime on the allotment- sunny late April. The most magical place. The winding pathways are laced with bluebells about to bloom, the courgette, spinach, cabbage and pom pom dahlia seeds that we planted with Hazel are showing their faces and it’s the first time in goodness knows how long that I’ve had to utter the words “factor 50 sun cream”
Springtime Allotment
Isaac and Gina came for a morning of fresh air, the chickens were roaming around and we basked in the sun. Isaac got busy watering the daffodils shouting “clean now” after watering almost each flower on the whole allotment.
Daffodils and Strawberries
There are five chickens on the allotment, there were many more but sadly the fox got seven of them. The remaining five are happy, healthy and very friendly, they eat a mixture of strawberries, cabbage and rice. Isaac had a pretty great time feeding the chickens and chasing them around.
Planting Vegetables
The raised beds around the allotment have been planted with vegetables including green beans, Japanese onions, rhubarb, artichokes, sweet corn, herbs and oh so much more. We have also planted a patch of our bed with wildflower pollinating seeds including cornflowers, poppies and a mix of flowers to attract the bees. You can read a useful list compiled by the RHS of pollinating plants perfect for bees HERE. There are lots of flowers on the allotment that will reappear every year including the fabulous bluebells and crocus.
With all this glorious sunshine my sole duty was to keep the seeds watered, Isaac took care of the rest. Post allotment we hit the park before driving off into the sunset.
“Keep your face always toward the sunshine – and shadows will fall behind you.” -Walt Whitman
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