So, it finally feels like winter is upon us. For any of you following my instagram-stories you’ll be well aware that we’re knee deep in our kitchen renovation (more on this soon) The chaos of any renovation has left us with a topsy-turvy house, no central heating and with all our usual routines a little out-of-whack! Renovation aside, I know how tough the winter season can be for lots of people. I have written previously about my experiences with Seasonal affective disorder– so thought I’d share a few tips on self care in wintertime…
Take a little time out of your schedule to give back to yourself. One of the greatest things you can do is give yourself permission to just relax. Spend a relaxing day at a Health Spa with your best friend, consider it a Christmas gift to yourself. Allowing yourself a little time to rejuvenate and refuel before the full-on festive season.
The festive period for a lot of people can mean excess wine and/ or the odd too many glasses of champers. Whether you’re drinking alcohol or not, it’s so important to stay hydrated to help your body to regulate itself and aid your liver in detoxing. Drinking lots of lovely water will also help you to feel energised.
Gentle Exercise:
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…even when the weather sucks, keep moving and get yourself outside for fresh air. It’s so tempting to slip into the habit of curling up on the couch (which is of course amazing) but you do need to offset that with some good long walks. Fresh air will help you to feel refreshed and blow off those cobwebs.
Calm Morning Routine:
Of course it can be tricky to plan in quiet time daily (especially if you have children) but ten minutes a day dedicated to something calming that you truly enjoy, can make a world of difference. I have a quiet hour first thing in the morning, which does mean getting up a little earlier than I used to, but it has revolutionised my daily routine, so worth it. I will read or listen to a podcast or flick through a magazine and take my time…I now value this hour so much.
Good night’s sleep:
In winter our bodies need more rest. Be sure to get tucked up into bed a little earlier and don’t try to achieve too much. Take winter’s lack of daylight as nature’s way of telling you to slow down…
‘Health is the greatest possession. Contentment is the greatest treasure. Confidence is the greatest friend. Non-being is the greatest joy’ -Lao Tzu
Stay fabulous
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