Ad: Starting your own business, whether it’s opening a shop, working as a creative or running your blog as a business, is awesome. It’s a fantastic way to make money for yourself, your own way in your own time. It gives you a tremendous sense of achievement and pride. It means that you’ve created something for yourself, and you can take it in any direction that you want.
Bloggers, freelancers, entrepreneurs and other small business owners are always struggling for time. Many of them are trying to work around a family or other commitments. They work all day, every day trying to fit everything in. They rarely take time off and as their business starts to grow, so does their to-do list. This can leave them struggling to cope, feeling burnt out and even being forced to give up on their dreams.
Instead of throwing in the towel, you need to find ways to get more done in less time. This might sound impossible and there’s no magic formula, you just need to find the best ways to use your time. Here are some ideas to help you…
Get Help: In the early days of your business, you might not be able to employ full-time help, but that doesn’t mean that you have to do everything for yourself. Could you hire freelancers and outsource some tasks when things are busy? Would using make accessing your mail easier?
Away from your business, you could get extra help around the house or with the children. Support is usually available. You just need to know when to ask for it.
Automate: Whether your business is based on or offline, the chances are that you spend a long time working online. You might use email marketing and social media to promote your business and communicate with your audience. You might have a blog or website, either as the key element of your business or to complement your offline efforts. In today’s world, to succeed online it helps to be promoting your business even when you sleep. To grow online, you need to be online. Or, you at least need to seem as though you are. Online scheduling and automation tools can be handy and make your life much easier.
Lists: Do you open your computer, and sit there until you think of something that needs doing? Stop. Don’t sit down to do something, until you know what it is and you’ve got a plan. Spend some time every evening writing a list for the next day. You can even assign times if that helps you to stay focused. This gives every day a head start and helps you to make the most of your time.
Stay fabulous
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