May signifies the beginning of Summer for those of us in the Western Hemisphere. The May New Moon begins on Friday 22nd May in Gemini, stretching across the night between 17:54 and 03:09 GMT. Every moon is governed by the seasonal month in which it falls. During the moons cycle it moves through the zodiac, spending roughly 3.5 days transiting each sign. By recognising the astrological position, as well as the sun’s astrology and seasonal energy of a new moon, we can adapt our goals making us even more efficient. Let’s take a look at what’s in store…

May New Moon
Origins & History
Since history began the Moon has inspired astrology, technology and exploration. While its visual presence is obvious, the energetic power of the moon is more esoteric, yet no less important to our lives. It is believed to govern our seas, our menstrual cycles, even our moods and emotions can be enhanced by the moon during its 29 day cycle.
New Moon Meaning And Symbols
You may wish to include these elements in your moon ritual or focus on them when meditating for more powerful energy:
● The colours: silver, green, yellow
● The chakras: crown
● The energy: cutting, flighty, intellectual, fast
● The stones: diamond
● Elements: Air, fire
● Numbers: 1,2,11,22
New Moon
A new moon occurs when the moon is almost totally aligned with the Sun and the Earth, so blocking the Sun’s reflective light, making it appear absent or a tiny crescent in our sky. This marks the beginning of the moons cycles. The new moon energy is perfect for setting your intentions and letting go of limiting behaviour. This is a great time to make those nagging lists or start a new project. Setting the tone for the first 16 days leading up to the full moon. Here’s a look at a few actions to take during this moon phase…
Setting Intentions:
Do it! Don’t overthink it:
- Address your wardrobe. There is nothing better than a clear out to renew your energy. Thinking about becoming a minimalist? Today is the day.
- Make friends with strangers. Sounds awkward? Think about messaging a stranger on Instagram to say something positive. Striking up a conversation can lead to genuine connections. This will boost your confidence and keep you feeling positively charged.
- Focus on ideas for future work.
- Get your favourite mixtape ready for today. Gemini moons are said to make us more sensitive to sound and music. There’s nothing more inspiring than tuning into to those sounds that make us feel happy.
Check list:
- Keep interaction light and breezy
- Focus your intentions by first decluttering and getting rid of the old, to invite in the new.
- Say yes to the unexpected, and unusual. Keep exercise routines fun and spontaneous, think alcohol-free kitchen disco rather than a rigorous exercise class during this new moon.
Mantra & Meditation:
“I create the soundtrack to my life”
This Gemini new moon energy is as much about destroying things as it is building plans. Boredom will be intolerable and intentions must be set by undertaking practical physical tasks. This new moon starts in the evening so a good shout is to spend some time cleaning and decluttering. Then plan an adventure.
This new moon, look for something inspiring, challenging or unusual to do, maybe a walk you’ve never tried or a new bicycle ride route.
Try an online course, listen to a new podcast, ask friends for new music recommendations. Discuss your activities and discoveries with friends to feel motivated and inspired by stimulating your imagination.