I love the April full moon. For me it brings with it all optimism of summer, lighter nights and hope for brighter days ahead. It is the first full moon after the spring equinox. Falling on Wednesday 8th April, 03:45GMT in the sign of Libra. This moon is pivotal in many religions and cultures. Easter is set by the Lunar calendar. It falls between March 22nd and April 25th depending when the first Sunday after the first full moon of the equinox falls. Beltane is the common pagan name for the spring equinox. It is the point in the year when day and night are equal. For many this full moon marks the start of renewal of the earth and an opportunity to rebalance our lives. So let’s dig a little deeper as we take a look at the April Full Moon also known as The Budding Moon…

April Full Moon
Full Moon Meaning And Symbols
When the moon is in Libra the energy is all about perspective, generally it’s on the up and we tend to feel more open and pleasant. This is a great time to begin new passion projects. Sharing creativity is key to feeling calm and happy during this moon. We are likely to feel vulnerable if we are unable to connect with loved ones, although there are ways we can still connect even with the current restrictions in place. Family values will be at the centre of your world as the April Full Moon occurs. Connect virtually, write a letter or draw a picture for a loved one and post it to them. Spend time contemplating the beauty in the world. Notice nature to fully benefit from the libra moon’s balancing power. Indecisiveness is a Libra trait, it may be a good idea to structure and plan ahead for this day so you can fully relax and make the most of this playful energy.
Energy And Elements
Here are the various colours, elements and energy associated with the April Full Moon. Try introducing some of these elements into your daily life and spiritual practices.
- Energy: Balance, harmony, joyful
- Avoid: codependency, over sensitivity, indecisiveness
- Colour: baby blue, pink, autumn tones
- Essential oils: Geranium oil balances our emotions. It has relaxing and de-stressing properties. Said to bring joy, protection and luck. This oil was used to find love, increase fertility, not surprising it’s used in many aging facial products.
- Crystal: Opal, topaz, aventurine
April Full Moon Astrology
This April moon is one of the calmest of the year. Pluto (the ruler of power), goes retrograde on 25th April. It’s important to note that while the world is geared up to cope with the Coronavirus pandemic the week leading up to this full moon is the best time to get things done. Once Pluto and then Venus (the ruler of love, relationships and cash) goes retrograde as well in May we might find it difficult to spend or earn money and get things done.
Hazel x