There’s a lot going on astrologically at the moment. We are entering the Age of Aquarius and we’re heading straight into Capricorn season, here’s a look at the traits, astrology and life lesson we can learn from rule-breaking famous Capricorns.

Capricorn Traits
What to say about the goat? The typical associations with Capricorn is that they are steadfast and motivated. The thing that sometimes is skipped over, is how quirky sun sign caps can be. They have witty and quick humour.
They can also be very eccentric and fluid with their social circles, hobbies and style, tending to retain a youthful, playful nature even in old age. They move with the times, style is important to Capricorn and they tend to value their possessions, and have secret sentimentality for small trinkets.
Capricorn can be great collectors and hobbyists and enjoy organised fun. This is where Capricorns will tend to feel most comfortable in their social life, when they join with others who share a common passion.
Fundamentally both sun and moon Capricorns are loners, they may thrive and enjoy their own time and company, yet under the surface may also feel an acute loneliness and long to share some aspects of their private life with a select circle of close friends.
One thing which is a given for this goat, is their drive to succeed. They tend to naturally form an “end goal” in all aspects of their life, especially their chosen careers or profession. Their methods may seem kooky or unorthodox to other signs, but be sure that a native Capricorn will see their goals through, even if it appears they have let them go. They are not quitters.
A difficulty for this sun sign is that they tend to live in the past and future, sometimes they may miss the present, whilst they have their head down working towards that future. It can also take Capricorns a long time to work out what their true calling really is. The good news is that youthful energy tends to allow Capricorns an unlimited amount of energy, no matter how long it may take.
Capricorn Astrology
Saturn the planet of limitations rules Capricorn, this energy tents to colour the lives of many Capricorns, they seem to spend much of life trying to shake off these limitations. This can present in many ways from constant changes in careers to cycles of materialism and minimalism.
They have a cycle which can be a boom and bust, from their personal perspective. Yet to the outside world they appear the pillar of stability and resolute masters of stoicism. Whereas Leo may not want help because they need full control, Capricorns feel awkward asking for help, believing that everyone is working towards an end goal just like them.
This is a fantastic energy for researching history, dates and geography. Capricorn tend to have an acute awareness of age, this can be a useful energy to help up accept aspect of our past and work towards future goals.
Prepare To Navigate Capricorn Season
The first thing to do is to plan, set your goals. Believe in your ideas and dreams, however whimsical they feel. Start new projects, especially ones involving creative hobbies. Capricorns are naturally inquisitive and like to create, invent, use this energy to drive you forward in your creative and business projects.
- Capricorn : December 22nd ~January 19th
- Element: Earth
- Symbol: Goat
- Planet: Saturn
- Crystals: Jet, Onyx, Smokey Quartz
- Energy: focused, creative, optimism
- Colours: Grey, black
- Tarot card: Knight of pentacle, The Devil
Famous Capricorn’s
Martin Luther-King Jr
Legacy is a key trait of Capricorn energy. Their methods heading towards their goals may seem unorthodox for the time they live in, but this sun sign is not invested in quick fixes instead they push forward against the obstacles they face to find and leave a long and lasting legacy.
Another legacy maker, Elvis spent years making movies and music he loved. Once a Capricorn commits to something, they will bend over to complete the task. That is not to say Elvis missed out, he not only achieved becoming one of the world’s biggest entertainers, but remains engraved in our collective popular psyche, along with The Beatles- his name is known just about everywhere in the world.
Greta Thunburg
One small, awkward girl got out of bed one morning and said “NO” to destroying our planet through greed. Greta’s message of climate change awareness has helped to change the popular language and great direct change to policy throughout the world. Would we have arrived there without her? Absolutely not, because it takes a leader and someone willing to step outside the box to push open ideas to the populace. Greta is still a child, her legacy will last forever. I have no doubt future generations will be learning about her and become inspired to create change for a better world.
What all these people have in common is that they created and achieved a lasting legacy inspired of their limitations and the restrictions which they faced. Consider what your legacy will be using the Capricorn energy of the season.
Hazel x