Plant your seeds at your own pace and see what grows. The moon has a long magical history. Its striking beauty aroused fear and worship among our ancient ancestors. Since history began the moon has inspired astrology, technology and exploration. While the moons visual presence is obvious, the energetic power of the moon is more esoteric, yet no less important to our lives. It is believed to govern our seas, our menstrual cycles, even our moods and emotions can be enhanced by the moon during its 29 day cycle. Here’s a look at the April new moon energy…
April New Moon
Origins & History
A new moon occurs when the moon is almost total aligned with the sun and the earth, so blocking the sun’s reflective light, making it appear absent or a tiny crescent in our sky. This marks the beginning of the moons cycles. New moon energy is perfect for setting your intentions and letting go of limiting behaviour. This is a great time to make those nagging lists or start a new project.
New Moon Meaning And Symbols
April new moon influences include:
● The chakras: heart, root, sacral
● The energy: visualisation, cultivation, comfort, strength
● The stones: emerald,
● Elements: Earth,
● Numbers: 1,2,4
New Moon
Every moon is governed by the seasonal month in which it falls. During the moons cycle it moves through the zodiac, spending roughly 3.5 days transiting each sign. By recognising the astrological position, as well as the sun’s astrology and seasonal energy of a new moon, we can adapt our goal making us even more efficient. The first day of April’s new moon lasts only two hours from 02:41 to 04.25 GMT. So logically we fall to the second waking day where the new moon’s energy still echoes and would have a greater impact on our daily life. Day two of the new moon starts at 04:25 On April 23rd and will be ruled by luxury seeking lover Taurus.
This is a great energy for sowing seeds, literally but also with your dreams and plans. Taurus likes to go at its own pace. It’s a head-strong, practical Earth sign, that likes to be surrounded by comfort and love. This new moon has an ideal energy for finishing projects and throwing out future intentions.
Setting Intentions:
Make love not war:
● If you are faced with tactical situations at work that require you to stand firm, today is a good day to stick to your guns and slowly, calmly direct the negotiations your way.
● Indulge in your senses. Cook some comfort food or do tai chi. Wear your favourite perfume and reach in for a hug from your family at home, bask in your garden or walk in nature.
Check list:
● Visualisation will help you to work out what you don’t want or need and what you really love.
● Pick up on half finished projects over the 3 days that the moon will be in Taurus.
● This is also an ideal moon for nourishing treatments of your hair face or body.
● Plant, germinate and get green-fingered. Its believed that planting during a Taurus New Moon will give you the best results.
New Moon Mantra & Meditation:
“I am strongest when I go at my own pace”
Start the day with stretching, movement or yoga this will increase blood flow to the brain, release endorphins and inspire creativity. Spend time trying to visualise what you want your future to look like. This is best done through meditation, at home or during your daily walk. Do some research or try to make some connection to help you get to those goals. For the lovers out there make the most of this energy with warm cuddles and close moments.