January sees the dawn of the Aquarius Zodiac Sign. So what’s in store for 2020? What actions should we be taking? Let’s take a look at the Aquarius Zodiac Sign traits, crystals and actions to take during this zodiac sign…
When we think about the youth and hippy movement of the 1960’s astrologically there is no better fit than Aquarius. This sign is known for its idealistic humanitarianism. When the sun is in Aquarius it offers us a true creative energy brought about through freedom of expression within the arts and music. The Aquarius dream of utopia, far outweighs the undertone of controlling and at times jealous behaviour. This is a practical energy evoking action and change. Be prepared for change when the sun transits Aquarius, once you plant a seed there will be no stopping it from growing.

The Age Of Aquarius
Dreams, colours and visions
Aquarius: January 21st – February 19th
Element: air
Planet: Uranus
Crystals: Amethyst, Amber, Apatite
Energy: creative, idealistic, humanitarian
Colour + Style
Wear green/blue to increase your openness and fluidity. Aquarius is ultimately an energy for change. It asks us to question everything. Push our own limitations, ethics and boundaries to find a better version of ourselves and the world in which we can all thrive. Wear orange if you want to manifest creativity or spiritual balance.
Culture + Relationships
Work with your natural personality type. In Denmark they have a word which embodies part of their culture. It is “hygge”. Hygge is the act of making and feeling cosy, safe and homely, a perfect tool if you are feeling introverted during this Aquarian month. Introverts may choose to be with close friends, spread awareness of good causes through social media or create change through a simple smile. For the extroverts out there, host a party. Roll up your selves and volunteer to help at a homeless shelter or get sponsored to do something fun for charity. All of us in between, talk openly to your friends, listen and help where you can. Be charitable.
The Crystals
Amethyst brings spiritual awareness. Amber will soften change, cleanse and heal the past and let go. Apatite helps us to take an overview and work for the greater good of humanity, starting with our own self love. Work with this energy.

Aquarius Traits
Never accuse an Aquarius of being too idealistic. They really believe their own hype. Do not mistake this self belief for ego, Aquarius really does encourage us to find equality for all.
The downside is Aquarius can create an “us versus them” tribal attitude, especially when others don’t meet our high standards or political views. So it’s important to respect that while we may have a strong belief (veganism for example) others may also feel just as strongly at the opposite end. The beauty of Aquarius energy is that we can find joy and common ground in respecting others, simply because they are humans too.
Aquarius Actions To Take:
This is a perfect time to experiment with your creative side. Get loose and stay open minded. Aquarians naturally create a sense of togetherness. This sign thrives on all aspects of tribal culture. As the song by 5th Dimension famously says “this is the dawning of the age of Aquarius”. In astrological terms this is true, every two thousand years or so a new astrological age begins and Aquarius is ours.
‘This is the age of community, free love, freedom and peace. If we tune in to this feeling of togetherness and equality it will be easy to express our true feelings.’
We may have short attention spans this month. Making a mixtape, food and drink tastings or dinner parties are all perfect activities for this butterfly energy.
Give like Oprah
Birthday: 29 Jan: Oprah Winfrey consistently ranks among the top celebrities when it comes to charitable and humanitarian work. She is also an Aquarius. Take her lead and use your status to create social change and justice within your community or the wider world. Rolling your sleeves up and making more ethical choices, investing time in others or helping to share unheard voices is a good place to start.
Experiment like Mozart
Birthday: 27 Jan: Everyone recognises at least one of Mozart’s scores. His work has been used in countless films, famously Stanley Kubrick’s A Clockwork Orange to name but one. A tale of chaos, ultra violence and what can go wrong when we try to impose our version of morality on others. This film may reflect how we can misuse Aquarius energy. Instead if we look at Mozart himself we see how pure creatively and ingenuity can break down barriers. While his music is labeled classical, in its time it was truly innovative and groundbreaking. He refused to conform to the ideals of polite society, through his music or conducting. During the suns transit through Aquarius our ability to create and be experimental increases. It’s the perfect opportunity to exercise a no restraint attitude when it comes to our passion, desires and inspirations. If you feel a call to the flamboyant or avant-garde this month, embrace that side of your self!
Love like Carol King
Believe in love like Carol King and spread the love like Bob Marley Birthday: Bob Marley: 6 Feb, Carol King: 9 Feb
Carol King sings in the song natural woman “Now I’m no longer doubtful of what I’m living for, and if I make you happy I don’t need to do more”. This is a very Aquarian expression. Her songs often come from a perspective of hope, love and an unwitting belief that humans are good when we come together and show our love and humanity to one another. Adopting a tribe can be helpful to our sense of identity and wellbeing. Being an isolationist on the other hand can be detrimental to others. Remember simple acts of kindness can change the world. Channel Bob Marley’s songs and the message of integration and humanity. When we work to create happiness for others, we are raising our own vibrations.
“Now I’m no longer doubtful of what I’m living for, and if I make you happy I don’t need to do more”.
– Carol King
Hazel x