This water sign starts 21st June to 22nd July. The Cancer Zodiac Sign is one of the four cardinal signs, meaning that it brings with it the changing of a season, in this case summer. Cardinal signs are driven to succeed, creative and instigators when it comes to motivating others and starting new projects. Cancerians are often misread as being meek or passive people, but Cancer is a proactive sign, like Capricorn they are happy to move slowly towards their goals. Let’s walk through what to expect during this sun transit, what actions we can take and the Cancer Zodiac Sign traits that will help us navigate the start of the new season.

Cancer Zodiac Sign Traits
Cancerians will go out of their way to accommodate others, sometimes to the detriment of their own wellbeing. They do not like confrontation. When they do encounter a problem they tend to approach difficulty from a side angle, zigzagging to the solution- never one for the direct approach as they don’t want to rock the boat. Sensitivity and this sign go hand in hand, Cancerians find it hard to take criticism or be rushed into decisions.
If Pisces are the rivers and Scorpio the Oceans, Cancer is the life within water.
All of Cancer’s sensitive water energy is used to grow their dreams with others rather than ponder within as the other water signs have a tendency to do. However, like Scorpio, Cancer natives can have many layers of emotions with a tendency to moodiness when they are feeling overwhelmed. Cancer is ruled by our Moon, it’s worth noting that the Moon has a steady reliable transit, Cancer energy also has very clear patterns and rhythms, they like routine, especially at home and in their family. Like the Moon, Cancer natives also have a mystical magnetic quality, often charismatic, pleasant and likeable folk. The down side is when unbalanced they can be cutting, brooding or passive aggressive. Ultimately, Cancers are bighearted and generous by nature, and likely if you know one they will be a lifelong friend.

Famous Canerians
If you are a Cancerian you are in good company with some high flyers. The Dalai Lama and Nikola Tesla among the many.
Meryl Streep
Acclaimed Actor, Activist, Humanitarian and icon of our time, Meryl Streep is a great example of the productive charismatic qualities of the Cancer Zodiac Sign. She protests for equality for all, famously organising the blackout dress during the Oscars to expose and highlight sexual exploitation within the film industry. She is known as one of the best method Actors of our age, her ability to side step from the expected, taking on varied roles is another great Cancerian trait.
Nelson Mandela
A great man and a great representation of Cancers most idealistic qualities. This man was considered a terrorist when he first started speaking out against the apatite in South Africa. Even when he was languishing in prison, he never wavered from what he knew was morally right. In these revolutionary times, it’s important to remember that equality for all and love for humanity go hand in hand with the Cancer energy of this month.
Hunter S. Thompson
Thompson was one of those humans who was born with a love for the obscure, oblivious to any other way of being. He capture the mood of a generation through his unique and gritty writing style. His life was a great example of how the Cancerian Crab can think outside the box. Whilst he was getting on with being himself, others were following and attempting to imitate his unique vision of life and creativity. Though Cancer may appear conventional because they hold family values high on their priority list, creativity is abundant during this month.
Remember to be yourself and if that’s non-conformist that’s O.K
Cancer Zodiac Sign Elements
- Cancer: Caring, Reliable, Family- Oriented
- Element: Water
- Symbol: Crab
- Planet: The Moon
- Crystals: Peacock Ore, Moonstone, Pink Opal
- Energy: Loving, Generous, Melancholy
- Colours: Silver, Pearlescent, Pink
Cancer Actions To Take
There is a lot going on this Cancer season. We have 4 planets in retrograde, Mercury, Venus, Saturn and Jupiter. Mercury, the planet of travel and communication, will be retrograde for the whole month. As this is Cancer season we can expect that our most personal relationships may be under strain from miscommunication or plans being changed last minute. Mercury retrogrades are a great time for going with the flow, so while we are all focused on family, keeping an open door policy rather than structured plans will give you the best chance of frivolity. Venus, the planet of love, money and luxury, goes direct on June 25th, with a two week shadow period. This can affect our romantic relationships and our self esteem, confusing our judgement and making us feel uncertain about our feelings. Thankfully the soft energy of Cancer is likely to make us more brooding or melancholy than up for an argument with your partner.
Watch a romantic film or do something spontaneous together to stay connected. For those who are single, take a steady approach to romance, rushing things during these retrogrades is likely to make you feel frustrated. We also kick off Cancer season with a New Moon and solar eclipse. This energy is powerful and it’s a time for us to be truly mindful about our wants and needs. Eclipses amplify the energy we are working with at the time, remember your thoughts are your reality.
Be kind, especially with yourself. Now isn’t the time for big dramatic changes. Instead go with the flow. Allow emotions to surface and acknowledge them without judgment.
Scrap your calendar this month, instead block out time for the unexpected, make time for friends and family and be as flexible as possible.
If you are in a relationship remember to be loving and kind, if you are feeling insecure it’s likely your partner might be feeling the same. As the world opens back up after COVID-19 friendships and family will be at the centre of our world. Ride those emotional waves and remember to practise lots of self-care.
Hazel x