CBD Oil is fast becoming a readily available natural alternative for lots of physical ailments. People are using the cbd flower for everything from insomnia, anxiety, seizures to psoriasis and pain management. I’ve written previously about my experience using CBD Oil and wanted to dig a little deeper. This post is written by Jamie Westbrook Professional Researcher for the CBD Awareness Project. Jamie goes into more depth about the science, side effects and health benefits of CBD products. Without further ado here is the CBD 101…

What is CBD?
CBD is a cannabinoid derived from industrial hemp. Many people hear the word cannabinoid and think of marijuana, and they wouldn’t be wrong. CBD is also found in marijuana, but it is not the cannabinoid that gets you high. Instead, it works with the endocannabinoid receptors throughout the human brain, nervous system and immune system. This allows it to work as a mild sedative and give the effect that makes it so useful to so many people.
What Can CBD be Used For?
Reduce Anxiety
CBD helps your body to relax, making it a lot easier for you to reduce the symptoms of your anxiety and focus enough to deal with it in a reasonable way. You can find out more on using CBD for anxiety and depression here https://cfah.org/best-cbd-gummies/anxiety-depression/
Reduce Inflammation
CBD Oil is fast becoming a readily available natural alternative for those suffering with a myriad of medical conditions. People are using CBD Oil for everything from anxiety, insomnia, seizures to psoriasis and pain management
Pain Management
If you struggle with joint pain or chronic pain, CBD can help you out a lot. It is an anti-inflammatory that works over a long period of time which can reduce the number of painkillers that you need to take.
Improve Sleep
Sleep deprivation is a huge problem for a lot of people. CBD helps to trigger melatonin production when you take it and helps it to continue producing it throughout the night. This will help you to fall asleep quickly and stay asleep longer so that you feel well-rested in the morning.
How Should I Use CBD Oil?
How should I use CBD Oil? Does the form of CBD make a difference? Pure organic CBD oils offer the best combination of quick effectiveness and long-lasting effects, which is why they are the most popular. CBD-infused creams and lotions take the longest to work, but they also last until you wash it off. CBD-infused foods take several hours to take effect but last until you have finished digesting the food. Finding the right format and dosage for you can take some trial and error, but it can be extremely helpful in the long term.
Does CBD Oil Have Side Effects?
CBD is a natural supplement, but it can still cause some uncomfortable side effects. Knowing what they are will help you to avoid them and make sure you stay safe and comfortable. If you have issues with grass allergies, you might also have an issue with CBD oil because industrial hemp is a type of grass. Make sure to try a small dose on an easily treatable patch of skin in order to make sure it won’t cause a major allergic reaction.
You should also be very careful with your existing medical conditions and medication regime. If you take medicine to help you sleep at night, to avoid seizures or to treat your mental health, there could be some interaction with CBD oil. If you struggle with liver issues, you could strain your liver and cause additional stress. Talk to a doctor before trying CBD to make sure that it is safe for you to take.
Hopefully this post has provided some of the information and facts if you’re considering using CBD Oil. You can find good quality products online and use this CBDistilery Coupon Code if you decided to give CBD a try.
This post was written by Jamie Westbrook. Jamie is a professional researcher for the CBD Awareness Project. When he’s not working, he likes hiking and bird-watching.