February Full Moon is almost upon us, it is still the heart of winter, yet we are already beginning to see the signs of spring. Young winter flowers are beginning to shoot up for the cold earth, small tight buds on tree branches. The mornings still feel very dark in the northern hemisphere, yet hope is upon us. This moon is sometimes called the ice moon by some indigenous peoples of North America who have glacial frost and frozen lakes.
For those of us in more temperate regions the name of Milk moon reminds us that this is a time we require substance from our mother planet. In the past our food stores would be low during this stage of winter, our animals would survive on the previous summer’s hay harvest, we would be in hibernation mode, exerting as little energy as possible and keeping warm. Today is it any wonder so many of us experience SAD (seasonal affective disorder), winter blues or anxiety when our lifestyles leave virtually no room for us to slow down and hibernate during this cold month.
The Milk Moon February Saturday 24th 7:30 am GMT
Luckily for us the February full moon can be a great time to start to focus on making small acts that become positive routines in our life. One such routine which will renew our vitality is movement. Slow practices such as TiChi, Yoga and somatics awaken our bodies and help our energy to flow without stagnation. This can aid our mental wellness and improve our wellbeing. Winter walks connect us to the land, the darkness becomes less sorrowful when we can take in the beauty of the sleeping lands. For the gardeners among us it is a time for starting our seedlings, ready to plant out in our gardens and allotments come spring.
Get your energy flowing this February Full Moon with Somatics
During the cold months we tend to forget to stretch and loosen our bodies, huddled over desks and wrapped in warm clothes, our bodies can feel a little sluggish. It’s essential to our mental and physical health that we move our bodies. I like to think about cats when I do my stretches. I can never imagine a cat with bad posture or allowing itself to be uncomfortable. I found Somatics to help me to liberate myself from bad posture and discomfort simply by learning the subtlety of being more present in my body.
The principle of Somatics is learning to be more present in your body, through gentle movement, accepting and going with that energy flow. If the body wants to move in a certain way, go with it. The term Somatics was developed in the 1970s by movement therapist Thomas Hanna, also many cultures especially those in the east have been using similar principles for thousands of years. Somatics has no particular form of pattern of exercises like pilates; it is not designed to challenge the body, your physical agility or fitness in any way. Somatics is the art of listening to your body, and the acceptance of how your body feels in that moment, and going with that energy.
There are plenty of resources available online to take a class in Somatics, but one of the easiest ways to start is to just stand still and breathe into your body. Take a moment to listen and stretch if you need to. During this cold dark time being present in our bodies keeps our inner light shining. To align yourself with the shifting season and the natural flow of things, begin incorporating the crystals, herbs, and teas mentioned below into your daily routine starting from the February Full Moon.

February Full Moon Crystals:
- Emerald
- Agate
- Aquamarin
- Chrysocola

Plants, flowers and trees:
- Echinacea
- Honesty
- Snowdrops
- Lily
- Silver Birch

Teas, tinctures and remedies:
- Clove
- Echinacea
- Pomegranate
- Rose tea
- White tea
- Black tea

Herbs, essential oils and resins:
- Nutmeg
- Clove
- Rosemary
- Peppermint
- Musk
- Orange blossom
- Citrus

Activities to practice around the February Full Moon:
- Somatics
- Writing and keeping a journal
- Walking in nature

My word for this month is SLOW. Slowness to me does not mean stopping or laziness, rather it requires consideration, mindfulness and planning. If you are able to, try to align with this moon by slowing down, practising gentle physical movement and harmonising with your own needs, this moon will grant you with the optimism that the lighter days do promise.