The Snow Moon will be on Sunday 9th February at 07.22 GMT. The pinnacle of the Luna cycle is the full moon. It’s face turning to us once a month is a constant illumination throughout our life. A full moon happens on day 16 of its steady 29.5 day orbit around Earth. It’s enduring presence inspires our fears and imaginations. Here’s a look at the February Full Moon AKA The Snow Moon, in this post we’ll take a walk through The Snow Moon’s origins, meaning and astrology…

Throughout history people feared the full moon, believing it brought about madness and untold dangers. Even now research has suggested time and time again that there are more emergency calls around a full moon. Our pagan ancestors would have revered it, honouring it as a god. Any farmers almanac would tell you of the increased growth of their crops during a full moon.
February Full Moon
Full Moon Meaning And Symbols
The Snow Moon was so named by the native North American people because of the vast snowfall during February. This moon represents purification and forgiveness. The energy is one of self realisation, reflection and accepting your mistakes. February can be one of the most challenging months due to its darkness. This Snow Moon is a most welcome beacon of light helping us to accept and atone for our mistakes or failures.
Energy And Elements
There are various colours, elements and energy associated with the February Full Moon. Try a daily practice of diffusing some of the associated oils or including the various crystals to your rituals.
- Energy: strong willed, fun loving, dramatic
- Avoid: controlling others, jealousy, selfishness
- Colour: white, violet (combining the red of Leo with blue of the snow moon)
- Crystal: amethyst, quartz, fluorite, opal
- Essential oils: Hyssop. Removes guilt, opens the heart and cleanses the spirit. It helps purify sin or regret. Bringing forward feelings of unconditional love and acceptance. Frankincense. A spiritual cleansing oil. This resin oil also helps to ground us. While its restorative properties help to open the air waves and slow breathing.
Full Moon Astrology
The snow moon will be in the fire sign of Leo. Becoming full on Sunday 9th February at 07.22 GMT. When the moon transits through Leo we may crave the limelight and attention we need admiration from others more than usual. Drama and ego can flare up during Leo moons, the darker aspect of Leo are particularly clingy, stubborn and controlling. Avoid arguments by supporting your loved ones. Help boost their confidence while also stimulating your own. Attending public events or fundraisers may balance out any jostle of egos, instead boost morale, opt to sing along rather than stand alone. Remember this has been a mild winter for most. In this respect a lack of darkness and cold to induce any melancholy may also make our regrets may be less obvious. Leo is good at generosity. If we struggle to see our flaws over this full moon we can still exercise good karma through simply sharing what we have with others.
Mercury will be part way through its retrograde period on this full moon. When mercury is retrograde it is said to affect travel plans, communication and technology. A Leo moon during this period may spark tensions within our family units, as we crave everyone’s full attention. Expressing our egos through clothes, colours or movement can be a supportive way for us to be gregarious without stamping on someone else’s ideas.
Hazel x