The moon has a long magical history. Its striking beauty aroused fear and worship among our ancient ancestors. Since history began the moon has inspired astrology, technology and exploration. While the moons visual presence is obvious, the energetic power of the moon is more esoteric, yet no less important to our lives. It is believed to govern our seas, our menstrual cycles, even our moods and emotions can be enhanced by the moon during its 29 day cycle. Here’s a look at the February new moon…

February New Moon
New Moon Meaning And Symbols
A new moon occurs when the moon is in almost total alignment with the sun and the earth, so blocking the sun’s reflective light, making it appear absent or a tiny crescent in our sky. This marks the end and the beginning of the moons cycles. New moon energy is perfect for setting your intentions and letting go of limiting behaviour. This is a great time to make those nagging lists or start a new project. Setting the tone for the first 15/16 days leading up to the full moon.
● The colours: blue, green, grey
● The chakras: third eye, throat, heart
● The energy: emotional, fluid, romantic, dreamy
● The stones: chrysocolla, aquamarine, apache tears, lapis lazuli.
● Elements: water, air
● Numbers:1,5,7,8
New Moon Astrology
During the moons cycle it moves through the zodiac, spending roughly 3.5 days transiting each sign. While transiting through a sign we can work out the energy from the moon at any given point. By recognising the astrological position, as well as the sun’s astrology and seasonal energy of a new moon, we can adapt our goal making us even more efficient.
The February 2020 new moon falls on 23rd at 15:15GMT. This day will mark the end of the last day of the previous moon cycle with the sun and moon both sitting in Pisces in the cusp of Aquarius. While the new moon energy continues on for another two days, the first day is always the most potent.
Pisces is a free flowing energy at least on the surface. It’s the most secretive of all the signs when it comes to exposing its personal truths. When the new moon is positioned in Pisces it mean those inner wishes, sometimes fears are still hiding in the shadow of this moon. Bad habits can be an issue. To really bring your goals to the surface this new moon you need to focus on emotional desires, inner person truths and transformation of self. This is best achieved through working with your identity.
Setting Intentions
Letting go
- Get romantic, connecting on a romantic level is something we rarely have time for in our busy lives. Whether you’re single or not a romantic date, candlelit dinner, massage or even crying your eyes out to a soppy movie with friends will help us feel secure and release built up emotions. When we feel loved we can take on our personal goals with courage.
- Be honest. For this new moon, it’s time to ask yourself if you are really happy, what would make you feel more positive about yourself and your life.
- Self care through transformation. Time to play around with your identity? Change your hair colour or try a new style. Even wearing a spiritual symbol of your faith or exposing a secret part of identity can empower you to set your personal goals for the month.
Inner wisdom:
- Follow your gut instinct. Use your intuition to help guide you to what feels right.
- Work can wait. Personal goals are more important this new moon focus on what makes you feel good. Gardening during this time brings a particular sense of well-being and feeling grounded.
- Planning the month. Pepper your month with joyful wholistic tasks and events.
- Tidying the garden after work one night could be followed be a spa day that weekend. It’s a great opportunity to start to going to a Meditation class and yoga sessions as you are more likely to stick to it if it’s really speaking you your heart on this new moon.
- Avoid old comfort patterns and self-indulgent sabotaging behaviour they will limit your progress and cause you to miss ready your desires.
New Moon Meditations And Mantras
● Courage ● Intuition ● Releasing Emotions
“If I put my emotional wellbeing first I am able to be selfless with my love.”
This moon you’ll need to spend quiet time in nature, take a woodland walk or at least make time to reflect. This can help you gain courage and insight into exploring what makes you tick right now. If on the other hand you are simply too busy, or feel like you have butterflies and your bursting to get everything to the surface, write it all down. Focus on what you love and the person you want to be. Ask how you can express that outwardly. Put yourself first by asking what makes you feel happy and set all your goals.
Hazel x