Want to attract positive energy into your home? Feng Shui aims to achieve harmony and balance in your home or workspace. We caught up with Feng Shui Expert Priya Sher to get some practical tips. Read on to find out where and how to begin introducing Feng Shui principles into your own home or workspace…

Feng Shui Explained
- Tell us a bit about yourself and what Feng Shui is…
For the last 18yrs I’ve been studying (it’s a life-long study!) and working full time as a Feng Shui, Bazi (astrology) and Face Reading practitioner.
The words Feng Shui mean ‘wind water’, wind disperses energy & water holds energy.
Its principles maintain that we live in harmony with our environment. Its aim is to achieve balance in your living & working space and maximise your potential for success in all areas of your life.
“Feng shui put very simply is maximising your potential by balancing the energy of your space.“
-Priya Sher, Feng Shui Expert
- What inspired you to begin your training…
My interest in Feng Shui began around 25 years ago. My father was a property developer and would often make the homes we lived in his projects. This resulted in us moving around a lot. I noticed that in every house we lived in the energy was very different and often my parents would comment that certain houses were lucky for us and certain ones were not so lucky. This really sparked my interest in the energy of spaces and a few years later when I started researching I came across Feng Shui. I attended a 2 day Chue Style Feng Shui workshop, ended up meeting my Master – Grand Master Chan Kun Wah and that was it I chucked in my job working within Management Consulting and decided to take feng shui on full time. What started as a 2 day workshop totally changed my life.
Wellbeing Benefits
- Could you explain to our readers the benefits of Feng Shui in their home or workplace?
If the Feng Shui of your home is good the occupants can lead a healthy and prosperous life. Any space you spend time in you will absorb its energy, therefore, it’s vital that you optimise the energy of your space so that it can support you. Every part of a property reflects different aspects of a persons life. Therefore, if it’s Feng Shui is optimised then this will be reflected in the occupants life and opportunities will flow to them with greater ease.
“We spend a large part of our life in our workspace, so we should ensure that the environment here is healthy and positive.”
-Priya Sher, on Feng Shui for the worplace
When we implement Feng Shui into our workspace not only can we enhance our creativity and organisational skills, but we can also improve the quality of our work and create more harmony with our colleagues. A balanced workspace should feed your energy and not drain it. When the energy at work is positive then it will also be reflected in a more harmonious home life.
Tips For Beginners
- What initial changes could a beginner make in their homes (or business)? We are always looking to inspire calm and healthy spaces!
One of the most important areas is the front door. Ensure it is in perfect condition as it represents wealth. It should open smoothly and look attractive. Give it a new lick of paint if it’s looking worn. A little tip: I always clean my front door myself every few weeks with part fabric conditioner and water and it makes it look and smell great!
To further draw the energy to your front door place a beautiful plant and light on either side of the door.
Good Energy For The Workplace
For your workspace ensure you position the desk so that you have command of the room. The desk should ideally be positioned diagonally opposite the door and you should have a solid wall behind your chair. Always keep your desk well organised and as clear as possible. At the end of every day tidy your desk and file things away.
Healthy Houseplants
Plants are a remarkable Feng Shui remedy. They bring natural living chi which improves the vitality of your space. They are very effective in fighting against rising levels of air, noise and electromagnetic pollution. Place a plant or fresh flowers at home in your entrance hall to invite positive energy inside. In your workspace place a peace lily plant on your desk beside your computer to remove toxins and reduce electronic pollution. In your living room place a money plant in the corner diagonally opposite your living room door as this is a pulse point for wealth.
Where Do I Begin?
The front door as that is the mouth of the property where ‘chi’ / energy enters.
Also the bedroom is so important as we spend a third of our lives here. Make this a sacred space for you to recharge your energy in (not a space for recharging your phone!) Keep it clutter free and decorate it in a calm and simple manner so that it can support your wellbeing. If you are well rested then you can perform to your optimum capabilities.
- Would you also be able to tell our readers a little about Face Reading and what we can learn in the practice?
Face reading is a means of determining the health, character, relationships and luck of an individual. Every part of the face reflects a different age, aspect and organ of our body.
Face reading can be used as a diagnostic tool as all of our internal organs are reflected on our face. It can also be used as a predicative tool as there is a point for every age in our life.Each face is a reflection of a persons life.
Face reading can enable you to develop a deeper understanding of any person, aiding you in making important decisions.
I was taught Face Reading by my Master around the same time when he was teaching me Feng Shui. In Chue style feng shui lineage we need to have a well rounded understanding of both people and spaces. When we do the Feng Shui of a property we align it to the people living in that space, therefore Bazi and Face Reading gives us a clearer understanding of the person.
To learn more rom Feng Shui Expert Priya Sher head to www.priyasher.com
Stay fabulous!
Priya Sher’s Consultancy is based in Wimpole Street London, England.
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