Are you looking for ways to reduce your carbon footprint? By taking this step, you can make sure that you are having less of an impact on the environment and pushing yourself to do your part to help the world. There are lots of ways that you can go green but perhaps one of the most interesting is green beauty products. Specifically, you should consider going plastic-free with your beauty routine. In doing so, you can help reduce the amount of plastic waste that is clogging up the waters of the world today.
It’s important to understand that lots of beauty packaging take a lifetime to break down and therefore fills the oceans as well as landfills. So, let’s explore some of the best plastic-free beauty products that you can explore.

Plastic Free Shampoo
You could think about exploring plastic-free shampoo, conditioner or even the body wash that you use on a daily basis. There are lots of companies that specialize in these types of products such as Beauty Kubes plastic-free shampoo. Beauty Kubes is based in the UK and the key benefit of this company is that they don’t use plastic bottles to package their products.
Plastic-Free Toothbrushes
We think you’ll agree that your teeth are a key element of your beauty. You need to make sure that your teeth look beautiful and white. To do this, it’s important to use the right toothbrush. You might think that this means you have to rely on a plastic toothbrush but that’s not the case. There are lots of companies such as Georganics that provide plastic-free toothbrushes. These work just as well as the more typical types that you could have seen previously on the market.
Plastic-Free Ear Piercings
As well as your daily beauty products, there are lots of small things you might never consider, like ear piercings. A lot of piercings use plastic as part of the design of the pieces that you can buy from different companies. But this doesn’t have to be the case. When you get your ears pierced make sure that you ask about the piercing equipment that they are using as well as if they use any plastic parts. This is a great starting point to ensure that your beauty choices are completely plastic-free.
Plastic Free Deodorant
Plastic-free deodorant is made from completely natural, vegan materials. As such, you don’t have to worry about it having a negative impact on the environment. Instead, you can guarantee that these products are completely green friendly and there are definitely a few different suppliers worth exploring here. For instance, you might want to check out a company like Ben & Anna. They use packaging that doesn’t contain even a hint of plastic for their own beauty chain. There are other similar companies that have products like this too.
We hope this helps you understand some of the key steps you can take to ensure that you are going plastic-free with your beauty routine, pushing yourself in the right direction. If you take these steps, then you will be doing your part to help save the planet while looking great at the same time.
Photograph by Christin Hume