The October New Moon will be transiting Libra as it enters its first day at 19:47 on Friday 16th through to 06:05 on Saturday 17th. This is when the moon moves into Scorpio and day two of the October New Moon. While the moon transits Libra, energy will be upbeat, friendly and polite.
Team building or family games will help you to gain perspective around a work life balance and raise your spirits. There is an element of spirituality and heightened awareness during the October Moon cycle, this year. This is amplified as the Moon becomes full during Halloween. So any work done over these 16 days will need to have deeper meaning and significance, in order for us to feel like we are present and with the living.

October New Moon Astrology
Every Moon is governed by the seasonal month in which it falls. During the Moon cycle it moves through the Zodiac, spending roughly 3.5 days transiting each sign. By recognising the astrological position, as well as the Sun’s astrology and seasonal energy of a new Moon, we can adapt our goals, making us able to grow with the flow of the seasons.
October New Moon Symbols
- Astrology: Libra
- The colours: black and white, Purple
- The chakras: solar plexus
- The energy: Merry, shy, light
- The stones: diamond, sapphire
- Elements, air
- Numbers: 2,4,6
Setting Intentions:
As always a new Moon is ideal for creativity, this one especially will deliver great results for any artist experimenting. Attending an online workshop or simply doodling while chatting with your friends on zoom, could lead to unearthing a new creative passion. You might feel more flamboyant or individual with your fashion. This is a great few days to put into action ideas and dreams accumulated from the last few moon cycles.
- Go the extra mile to be kind.
- Create a feeling of collective unity through quizzes, games and silliness and don’t worry about outcomes. This will boost people’s moral for the moon cycle ahead.
- Bring abundance your way by focusing on natural beauty and your own inner beauty.
- Take up an act of social justice. Litter pick around your neighbourhood or sign up for your local tree planting association.
- You might feel injustice in the World more deeply, put that rage into a positive change will make ripples, then waves!
- Once you’ve finished work, leave it behind. Likewise put down the social media and focus on family time.
- Remember our inner beauty and strength.
- Value your own needs as much as others. A good way to do this is to time your tasks. Stop and assess how you feel. If you need a break or feel stressed, stop if you can.
- Don’t over work or over obsess. We can all get caught in a loop of thoughts or become fixated on small detail or even a person. Avoid this by focusing on all your loved ones.
Mantra & Meditation:
- Creativity
- Family
- Sensitivity
“I choose flow with what is happening and allow my mind to feel free.”
Watch the sunrise if you can. Make sure you have time to do something fun or relaxing at the weekend. Make your evening playful by focusing on your family, dancing, playing and letting go.
Photography by K. Solims