We all benefit from taking a moment out of our busy schedules for calm and quiet, a moment to breath. Healing Body Meditations Book by Mike Annesley and Steve Nobel is an enriching set of 30 mandalas for meditation.
A mandala is traditionally a circular figure representing the universe in Hindu and Buddhist symbolism. Each mandala in the Healing Body Meditations Book is based on the human body focusing on the heart, eyes, lungs, skin and other organs. The book contains specific meditations to restore balance and address specific health concerns, such as headaches, fatigue and chronic aches and pains. Here’s a look at some of the wisdom within the Healing Body Meditation Book…
Healing Body Meditations

How Meditation Can Heal The Body
‘The energy of the mind is the essence of life’
– Aristotle
There are 7 chapters in the book which I have outlined below:
- The Floor of Being- The Root Chakra, focusing on healing the skeleton, muscles, legs and feet.
- The Creative Body- The Sacral Chakra, focusing on reproductive organs, new like and hands.
- The Centre of Being- The Solar Plexus Chakra, focusing on pain relief, energy boost and anxiety relief.
- Webs of Life- The Heart Chakra, lungs, heart and circulation, meridians.
- Paths and Gateways- The Throat Chakra, mouth, digestion, throat and diaphragm.
- Being and Awareness- The Third Eye Chakra, eyes, nose, ears, skin.
- The Concsious Self- The Crown Chakra, brain, mind and memory, body, mind and spirit
Each chapter contains beautifully illustrated mandalas that can be meditated on the enhance healing within the body.

The Chakras
‘Courage is never to let your actions be influenced by your fears’
– Arthur Koestler
The chakra system is the seven centres in our body through which energy flows. Energy in the chakras can be blocked by stress, emotional unrest and physical illness. Energy flow can be eased by meditating deeply, focusing on one of the chakras.

Being And Awareness
‘Most people pursue pleasure with such breathless haste that they hurry past it’
– Soren Kierkegaard
Each chapter goes into depth about the chakras. The ‘Being And Awareness’ chapter explores the senses. Starting with the third eye chakra. You’ll learnto tell the signs that your third eye chakra is being overused, with symptoms such as headaches and poor concentration.

This is a simple, sweet and beautifully illustrated book for anyone just starting out on their meditation practice. Bursting with soul-soothing quotes and easy to follow guidance, it will help anyone to just pause and breath for a moment to feel at peace.
Stay fabulous
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