The July New Moon starts its first day on Monday 20th at 17:18 (GMT). It will be transiting once again through Cancer, as it did in June, making it another emotionally charged Moon. Every Moon is governed by the seasonal month in which it falls. During the Moons cycle it moves through the Zodiac, spending roughly 3.5 days transiting each sign. By recognising the astrological position, as well as the Sun’s astrology and seasonal energy of a New Moon, we can adapt our goals- making us even more impactful. Take a look…

July New Moon
With the start of our traditional Summer, marked by the end of the school year, holidays and long barmy nights, there is a lot in-store astrologically. This July New Moon energy will encourage emotional growth. It will make you ask some big questions about how you can improve your life, relationships and work in a more meaningful and fulfilling way.
The long summer days mean you’ll have plenty of room to think about what you want. There may be things you want to let go of. Expect lots of tears if any job or project is ending during this July New Moon.
Origins & History
The Moon has a long magical history. Its striking beauty aroused fear and worship among our ancient ancestors. Since history began it has inspired astrology, technology and exploration. While its visual presence is obvious, the energetic power of the Moon is more esoteric, yet no less important to our lives. It is believed to govern our seas, our menstrual cycles, even our moods and emotions can be enhanced by the moon during its 29 day cycle.
New Moon Meaning & Symbols
A New Moon occurs when the Moon is almost totally aligned with the Sun and the Earth, so blocking the Sun’s reflective light, making it appear absent or a tiny crescent in our sky. This marks the beginning of the Moons cycle. New Moon energy is perfect for setting your intentions and letting go of limiting behaviour. This is a great time to make those nagging lists or start a new project. Setting the tone for the first 16 days leading up to the Full Moon.
- The colours: green, yellow
- The chakras: heart,
- The energy: emotional, caring, shy
- The stones: emerald, tigers eye,
- Elements: water, fire
- Numbers: 1,7,9
Setting Intentions
- Work towards an emotionally fulfilling future. There’s not many of us who can just pack in our jobs and move to a tropical island, but it is important to ask yourself what you want from your future. Dreams can turn easily into goals once we are clear about how exactly our life might look if we attained them.
- Plan a leap of faith, but don’t jump too soon. It’s likely you’ll want to make emotional decisions during this July New Moon. Plan, then wait a few days before diving into something you might regret.
- Agree to disagree. We don’t have to share the same dreams options or even political views to get along with others. Look for deeper connections through kindness and laughter. Likewise, if you are desperate for that trip to Costa Rica but your partner is more worried about the mortgage, let it roll over for another days conversion, until they are ready to hear it and share your enthusiasm.
- Show people you care with physical gestures. A smile can go a long way, it radiates outward into the world.
Check list:
- Listen and accept others feelings.
- Allow your dreams to flow into realistic goals, start those conversations if your family and friends are ready to hear them.
- Try to be measured with your response to others.
- Focus on emotionally fulfilling tasks and goals rather than material ones.
Meditation & Mantra
“I am focusing on what I want to create for myself, my health, my life”
July New Moon Mantra
This is another teary sensitive Moon, it does have the backing of the hot high sun moving into the determined ego of Leo. This combination could be fiery, emotions might burst out on impulse. Focus on your future happiness and goals. Things which may be achieved over the course of weeks, months and years. Find a cosy place ideally in nature with friends or loved ones and chat lightheartedly about your dream life and share ideas about how they can be achieved.