Believe it or not, we humans spend a load of money each year on clothing alone. Add the cost of bags, shoes, and other fashion accessories, and the number rockets. Investing in lasting sustainable fashion fashion pieces is a great way to cut down your expenses. Additionally, building a wardrobe helps to protect the environment. The fewer clothes and shoes you throw away, the less waste the environment will have to deal with. If you’re thinking about updating your wardrobe, here’s how to buy items that last the tests of time.

1. Invest in meaningful fashion items
From the clothes you wear to the accessories you use, your fashion items can have greater meaning beyond just looks. The more a piece of fashion element means to you, the more willing you will be to keep it for longer and take good care of it. So when you go shopping, look for items that carry importance beyond just style and appearance. For example, if you’re into sustainability or against animal cruelty, invest in items or brands that reflect your passion. This way, what you wear will carry greater significance. You can also purchase accessories that carry emotional significance. For example, accessories like Cartier Love bracelets are known for their meaning to lovers or couples. These are pieces you wear because they offer a sense of meaning, and you could wear them forever!
2. Pay attention to style, not trends
Another way to invest in sustainable fashion pieces that last is to pay more attention to style over trends. Fashion trends come and go, and you don’t have to look far to see a new trend popping up every year. Following trends only means that you’ll change or add new clothes and accessories to your wardrobe every year. Instead, focus more on designs, colours, and materials that you can rock season after season without worrying about going out of style.
3. Choose quality over quantity
Purchasing many inexpensive clothes usually means throwing them out and needing to replace them after a short period. The more you need to replace your clothes, the more money you’ll spend over time. The truth is that high-quality fashion items are designed to last over an extended period. They are made with high-quality materials and put together with stronger stitching. They may cost a bit more than the cheaper options, but you’ll have them for a longer period, saving money over time. Also, the fewer clothes you throw away, the more help you’ll be doing for the environment.
4. Stick to simple shapes and versatile fashion pieces
When shopping, stick to garments and designs with simple shapes instead of going for eccentric designs or quirky-shaped outfits. The simpler the shape, the more likely you will have that piece of clothing for a longer time. Also, try to add more versatile clothes and fashion accessories to your wardrobe, as they make it easier to pull off different looks with little effort.
Photography by Warion Taipei