A career change is scary at any age. Paying the bills is one thing, but being passionate about your role is what boosts your lifestyle, keeps your mind young and outlook positive. It can be hard enough to get out of bed in the morning without the prospect of going to an uninspiring job. Here’s a look at how to change career without fear…

Stay Humble
It’s a long way to the top, and lots of us overthink the journey. Sadly, overanalysing your position is only going to make you resent the hard work you have to put in now. Yes, running around for other people and making them coffee wasn’t in the job description, and it can feel demeaning when you recently worked in a high position. But, realising that being around experienced workers in a fast-paced environment is often essential for learning. Not only does it keep you humble, but it allows you time to pick up the intricacies of your new role.
Mistakes Are How You Grow
As the new person in the fold, you feel as if every mistake is a tick in the wrong box. It’s almost as if your position in the organisation is under threat if you make a mistake. In reality, you’re never going to be flawless from the outset, just like in your previous role. While it’s helpful to avoid big errors, they are inevitable learning opportunities for you to grow and become a better employee. In the long-term, the things you get wrong often help shape your new career as you never want to make the same mistake twice.
Moving Forwards
On top of starting a new job, your career could require you to relocate. Two major changes at once won’t help to settle your nerves, especially if you have a family. One of the reasons you might consider relocating is that jobs for MBA graduates and others are more readily available in big cities and could have a considerable impact on your future earning power. Consider a relocation as a springboard, pushing you forward to future opportunities. Moving to a new area can help you to feel like you’ve made a fresh start and taken the next step towards your big dream.
Success Goes Where Energy Flows
Staying on the topic of earning potential, you shouldn’t be worried about making less at the beginning of your career change. Everybody wants to secure a position that is a combination of seniority and high-paying, yet it’s unrealistic. These roles are reserved for people with experience and a history of success, which is why your salary isn’t too important right now. As long as you have enough money to pay the bills and lead an enjoyable lifestyle, the rest will come in time.
Currently, you should focus on building your knowledge and skills. They’re the traits that are worth their weight in gold in every industry.