When it comes to launching a business and maintaining financial success, a positive money mindset is crucial says Julia Day- Founder and CEO of The Independent Girls Collective. Former Accountant and Project Manager Julia Day overcame her fear of launching her own business after experiencing stress and burnout. Julia shares her wisdom and expertise, showing us how to improve our money mindset for financial success. Get inspired…

Improve Your Money Mindset
- Your Founder and CEO of The Independent Girls Collective, could you tell us a little about what you do?
Of course! I run The Independent Girls Collective community which is a membership design to help make the scary parts of business simple for women in business. I think it’s really important that we don’t avoid the difficult things or give up when things get hard, because most of the time it’s easier to resolve a seemingly unsolvable problem than you might think! The membership supports and empowers women to feel confident running their business by offering courses on all kind of relevant topics, practical resources, live trainings from myself and other industry professionals and our lovely community.
I also work as a business coach, helping my clients to transform their mindset, create a strategy that helps them to achieve their version of success and build a profitable, sustainable business that gives them what they want out of life.

Business Born From Burn Out
- You started out as an Accountant and Project Manager for small businesses, you now have your own business and share your knowledge coaching female business owners. When you decided to go it alone and become your own boss, what sparked that shift?
Honestly, I’ve always wanted to run my own company but lacked the confidence – due to various things that happened in my childhood I found it really difficult to believe that it was a possibility for me. It was only when I was experiencing a lot of stress and burnout as a result of my job that I realised it was now or never. So you could say the decision was kind of made for me!
Money Mistakes To Avoid
- What are the most common financial hurdles you find your clients are trying to overcome?
The most common hurdle my clients are trying to overcome is believing that they are not only capable of making good money from their business, but managing it well, too. Women are often portrayed as being frivolous with money – think Confessions of a Shopaholic, Rachel from Friends, Carrie Bradshaw – it’s hard to believe that you’re competent with your finances when the message from the media is that you aren’t.
It means that when it comes to things like tax and pricing, they assume that they won’t understand it when actually, it’s pretty simple. So we work on how to actually manage the practical stuff as well as developing a mindset that helps you to actually believe that you can do anything you put your mind to, because you can!
Set Your Mindset For Financial Success
- How important is mindset when it comes to financial success?
Mindset is crucial for financial success. It’s great to be able to make money, but it’s even more important to be able to manage that money well so you don’t squander it. If you aren’t used to having money, or earning money in a different way than a monthly salary, it takes quite a mindset shift to get your head around it. The same goes for actually believing your business will make money, as it’s completely new and you don’t have any “proof” that you can do it. But to be able to make money, you need to believe you can, otherwise you won’t be very good at selling!

How To Create A Positive Money Mindset
- What are your top 3 practical tips for creating a positive money mindset?
Understand your money story – how your past has contributed to your current mindset. I recommend writing down all the memories you have relating to money so you can get clear on those underlying beliefs and start to let them go.
“Surround yourself with people who are where you want to be.”
– Julia Day, Founder of The Independent Girls Collective
So if you’re just starting a business, find other people who have made good money from their business so you has evidence that it’s possible for you, too. If you don’t know anyone who is where you want to be, follow them on social media, read their books and interviews, go to networking events…be creative!
“Replace the negative thoughts with positives ones and repeat them daily to start improving your mindset.”
– Julia Day, Founder of The Independent Girls Collective
Stop talking negatively about money, saying it’s evil or that you’re skint. These things might be true for you right now, but complaining isn’t going to fix it. If things aren’t great right now, make a list of all the ways you could make some money and then create an action plan. Replace the negative thoughts with positives ones and repeat them daily to start improving your mindset.
How To Maintain Motivation When Business Is Slow
- Are there any practical ways to remain motivated and maintain a positive money mindset in a slow spell or quiet time in business?
Great question! Quiet times are a great opportunity to get back in touch with why you started your business and check that the products and services are still in line with that. You can also use this space to look at your website, marketing and what you offer and ensure that it will appeal to your ideal clients. It’s totally understandable (and normal!) to feel worried during a slow spell, but it’s an opportunity to reassess and make your business even better. The truth is, we all go through quieter patches. It’ll pass like it always does, just make sure you’re giving yourself the best chance of things picking up again.
- Could you offer any pearls of wisdom for any readers that are working on their passion project and looking to turn it into a full-time business?
Don’t fall into the trap of getting distracted by the “busy work” like making your website pretty or designing your logo. Focus on the things that will make you money first, because that’s how your business can keep going. You can focus on the smaller things later.
“Mindset is crucial for financial success.”
– Julia Day, Founder & CEO – The Independent Girls Collective
For more financial wellness wisdom, improve your money mindset head over to Julia’s website and join the Independent Girls Collective.
The Fabulous Times