If you are one of the many people who started working from home during the past year, you likely know how hard it can be to stay active and productive in a remote work environment. Now that everything is just a room or two away, you no longer need to take a stroll during your lunch break or dash from one meeting to the next. While this can save you time on busy days, this lack of physical activity could be taking a toll on your health.

A sedentary lifestyle can increase your risk of developing heart disease, which is the leading cause of death in the United States. Fortunately, there are plenty of healthy strategies that you can easily work into your schedule throughout the day while working from home. Read on to discover tips for keeping your heart healthy while you work or skip to the infographic for eight heart-healthy desk exercises you can do from home.
Resistance Training
Resistance training is a great way to build muscle, and it can lower bad cholesterol levels when paired with aerobic exercise. Fortunately, adding resistance training to your schedule a few times a week doesn’t have to involve weights or a gym. Bodyweight exercises can help you achieve similar results, and you can do them right from your desk. Try doing a few sets of desk dips when you need a break from your chair or target your quads with some leg raises.
“Keeping your body healthy is an expression of gratitude to the whole cosmos- the trees, the clouds, everything.”
Thich Nhat Hanh
Aerobic exercise
Aerobic exercise can lower your blood pressure over time and get your heart pumping even on the busiest of days. While aerobic exercises typically involve activities like running, walking or biking, there are alternatives that you can do from home. Try jogging in place or doing some jumping jacks in between work meetings to get your blood flowing. If it’s nice out, a quick walk around the block before and after work can give you an added boost of energy.
If sitting in a chair all day leaves you feeling stiff, try adding in some torso twists or neck stretches while you work. Stretching might not impact your heart health directly, but it can speed up recovery time between other exercise sessions.
Keeping your heart healthy while you work from home is simpler than it sounds, doesn’t have to take a lot of time out of your schedule, and can be done regardless of what career path you’re on.