If you’re someone who strives to live with purpose, cares for others, volunteers, works in climate or for another vital cause, then setting time aside for yourself can feel low priority or even selfish. After telling a close friend that I was “falling apart” they suggested that I “put my oxygen mask on first” an excellent reminder for us all; I had fallen apart, because I had stopped taking care of myself first. Practicing yoga consistently is the same as choosing to put yourself first.
Once you witness the benefit self-care has on all the other areas of your life, it becomes clear that setting the time aside to balance your mind and body is the most unselfish thing you do. If you looks after you, you can live with purpose more fully. Yoga will leave you with more of what it takes to show up, including energy, clarity, and a renewed sense of purpose. If it sounds like that’s what you need, then try incorporating any of these five practices into your next flow:

1. Set intentions
If you practice yoga, chances are you’ve probably heard an instructor prompting you to take a moment at the beginning of the session to set an intention. Intention is defined as a thing intended, an aim, or plan. Making a point to stop and think about what you’re working towards is a simple, yet highly effective habit that will help you stay focussed on your main goals. Has an instructor ever reminded you to think of your intention during a difficult posture? This is something you can do at any time to get in the habit of reminding yourself that even when the going gets rough, you still need to push through and focus on the big picture.
2. Get it on paper
Sometimes it can be difficult to navigate your thoughts, especially when you feel particularly overwhelmed. If your mental state is jumbled, placing a journal by your mat to jot down any of your concerns can help clear your mind. Putting something down on paper can also be a symbolic release of whatever is weighing you down. Journaling can also be used for putting your goals in writing, helping them to feel more real and attainable and ultimately helping you to gain clarity and motivation allowing you to live with purpose.
3. Notice changes
If you have ever practiced yoga or exercised regularly, then you have noticed the change it brings to your life. You’ll have more energy, you might even lose weight, and you’re probably going to be in a better mood. Everything you are doing has an effect, but everything that you’re doing may not be aligned with your goals. Yoga is designed to promote self-reflection, offering the practitioner an opportunity to learn, grow, and improve. While in the asanas, take the mental time to step back and reassess.
4. Fight the resistance
If there is something that you want, and you put it off time and time again, then you might be experiencing resistance. Resistance is the fear that keeps you from working towards your biggest dreams. I have found that routinely practicing yoga helps me get out of my own way. If you struggle with resistance, I’d highly recommend reading Steven Pressfield’s War of Art; it is a constant personal reference of mine.
5. Embrace routine
It’s easy to fall out of good habits, like eating mindfully or taking time just to rest, but practicing yoga regularly can help you maintain those good habits. Yoga will help you to recalibrate, making it more likely that you’ll bring a balanced mindset to other areas of your life, as well. For example, if you’re exercising, you’re more likely to want to eat better, too. If you commit to a regular yoga practice, the odds of you committing to other goals will increase. Yoga can help the small tasks that lead to a larger goal feel more manageable.
I’ve always enjoyed thinking about Shakespeare’s view of purpose:
“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.”
– Shakespeare
Yoga will help you find the meaning of your own life, so that you can leave the mat feeling more whole and bring that positive energy with you into the world and live with purpose.
Photography by Kaylee Garrett