Professional Tarot Reader and Astrologer Hazel is back with an exciting full moon series. To begin the new series, Hazel shares the January full moon energy with healing rituals for you to try at home. Discover healing herbs and flowers and how you can incorporate them into your self-care routine this month.
If you are reading this it is likely that you are interested in the moon and how it affects your own rhythms and energy levels. The moon governs our tides, our fertility cycles and our crops. Each monthly moon of the year holds its own energy relative to the earth’s progression around the sun. A moon cycle takes 28.5 days to transit the earth, starting with the new moon on day one then waxing to a full moon during the pinnacle of the cycle at around day 14 before waning again onto a new cycle.
The meaning of the moon from a seasonal perspective differs from the astrological energy of the full moon. Full moon astrology looks at which sign of the zodiac the moon is traveling through, and how the moon is interacting with other planets during its full moon phase. In this series we will focus on each seasonal moon from our perspective here on earth. Full moons are a time of culmination, self care and manifestation. We will learn about the plants, crystals, oils and practices which can help us to realign and invest in our highest self.
Wolf Moon: January 25th 5:54pm GMT
In the northern hemisphere the January full moon brings much needed illumination at this time to this darkest part of winter. Shining its light down on the twinkling frosty valleys the shadows are long during this month and even the light of the sun is low and sleepy. We can feel depleted during mid winter and it is a great time to focus on drawing in our reserves through self care and self reflection. This month I will focus on self protection, preservation and silent contemplation.
Something rarely discussed about January is that it can be a time of deep anxiety for some of us. New year beacons a new start and there is a sudden surge of pressure to stick to new positive routines, challenging resolutions or assert new goals and targets. For this reason I have decided to recommend herbs, essential oils and rituals which will increase our positivity but also decrease our anxiety.
Healing Rituals to Increase Positivity and Relieve Anxiety
I recommend indulging in some self care to protect your skin during this month. A ritual bath can work wonders to renew our energy and brush off some of the excess of the festive period. Face care using Gua Sha massage and restorative face packs.
An Easy Recipe for a Simple Restorative DIY Face Pack
- Soak blended oats and honey
- 4tbs oat
- 1tbs honey
Blend the oat until fine and soak in cold water for 15 minutes until thick and the water is mostly absorbed. Add runny or Manuka honey, stir in and apply to your face for 10 to 15 minutes. Oats and honey will rehydrate the skin, promote healing and have an antibacterial and anti aging effect on the skin.
Deeply Restorative Frankincense
Frankincense is a resin of the Bowellia Thurifera tree which is native to the middle east. It requires little to no soil and can be found on rocky outcrops. Its thick golden gum is collected from tapping, which is a process of making an incision at the base of the trunk of the tree and allowing the gum to pour out. This is one of the most ancient oils, there are many references to Frankincense being used during the Roman and Egyptian Empires.
Frankincense opens the airway, it relaxes the mind and respiratory system. Improving circulation and blood flow. In many cultures and religions it is regarded as having deeply spiritual and protective properties. In modern times science has proven it to have collagen restorative properties and it is often used in anti-ageing face creams.

Frankincense Bath
Frankincense can be diluted and made into oils for the body. I recommend a deeply restorative frankincense bath which will stimulate collagen and circulation to the muscles. If you have dry skin you can add a cup of finely processed oats to soothe your skin.
- 2 cups of epsom bath salts
- 10 drops of Frankincense essential oil
- Hot bath

Tinctures, Tea and Remedies
- Bilberry/ Blueberries
- Echinacea
- Cherry
- Rose
- Black tea
- Chamomile

January Full Moon Herbs and Resins
- Frankincense
- Lavender
- Rose
- Pine
- Chalmomine (if feeling low)

Plants and Flowers
- Honesty
- Elder tree
- Hazel
- Evergreens
- Ivy
- Moss
- Mushrooms
- St John’s wort

Gardening around the January Full Moon
- Prepare pots for planting
- Check and list seed
- Propagate some indoor seedlings

In essence the January full moon shines a light on the self care we have perhaps forgotten about during the cold season. In the southern hemisphere it is the height of summer, but whether you have the pressures of the cold and dark or the all encompassing sun beating down upon you, the start of the year is an excellent time to take things slow and steady, opting for self care. After all, our 12 month cycle is a marathon not a sprint.
Hazel is a Writer, Astrologer and Tarot Reader. You can check out Hazels weekly tarot forecasts, plus more self care, wellness and folklore on Instagram and YouTube. Follow @hex_tarot and visit