Sometimes called the Buck Moon or Storm Moon, the energy of the July full moon is dynamic and highly charged. This particular full moon will be extra special as there will also be a full moon eclipse. The moon will rise at 22:22 (GMT) on Saturday 5th July 2020 and will set at 04:39 on Sunday 6th. The eclipse begins at 04:07 (GMT) and ends at 04:45. When eclipses occur they amplify the energy of the moon and the sign which the moon is transiting during the eclipse. In this post we’ll delve into the July full moon astrology, energy and what actions you can take this month to harness the power of this Lunar phase.
July Full Moon Astrology
This moon will be in Capricorn. This will be the last Cancer -Capricorn eclipse cycle for several years. The past two years have been focused on adjustment in our home and work life. As the world begins to open up after the COVID-19 lockdown this July full moon will help us to engage in our higher purpose and look to our future.

Capricorn moons energy encourages us to look to our goals in a practical solution focused way. Capricorn moon people tend to be collectors and knowledge seekers. These folk would be happy in a library or diving down an internet rabbit hole of knowledge. They tend to have hours of fun researching whatever they feel particularly passionate about. This energy can be overly focused on responsibility at times and people with Capricorn moons can sometimes feel burdened or overwhelmed or duty bound by their tasks or challenges which they have usually set for themselves, but sometimes for other people too. Anyone born under a Capricorn moon will require and offer mutual respect to others. Though they may seem composed, but they can at times need a little extra TLC from family, friends and partners. Asking how they are or an unrequested hug can go a long way.
Those not native Capricorn moon can embrace this energy of order by working together to learn new things. Collaboration will be highly effective under this moon, you may even find a romantic feeling or a sense of kinship bubbling if you are working on a project with someone. This is a great weekend to look into your family tree and share what you find, re-order your record collection or read books together with your partners or children. In some ways a Capricorn full moon can be a cool, practical energy, as we have an eclipse with the Sun in Cancer it is likely to be focused on learning, understanding our place in our group, tribe, family and understanding our spiritual side.
Full Moon Meaning And Symbols Energy And Elements
- Energy: Collaboration, Togetherness, Common Sense
- Avoid: Controlling Behaviour, Uptightness, Depression
- Colour: Black, Silver,
- Essential oils: Sandalwood,,
- Crystal: Moon Stone, Jet, Onyx, Silver, Obsidian
July Full Moon Astrology
This year is a retrograde year, we tend to have these every two years, where many of the closest planets to us will appear to be still or moving backwards, this is called a retrograde. Retrograde energy makes us slow down in whichever area that retrograde planet governs. Venus, the planet which rules love, cash and luxury went retrograde last month and is still in its shadow period. Mercury the ruler of travel and communication is retrograde. Jupiter rules expansion and abundance is also retrograde. Jupiter is transiting Capricorn so we may feel stuck and unable to expand right now, even though we know what we want. Saturn will also be retrograde, the planet of boundaries, responsibility, discipline and limitations. This is particularly significant as Saturn rules Capricorn, so we may feel burdened by our goals or decisions this month. Especially if we have set ourselves tough goals, however there are some actions you can take to move forward.
Actions To Take
- Enjoy the fun practical tasks, no matter how small.
- Spiritual or deep research, take time to dig into your passions and read.
- Learning together, read with your children or join a club.
- Teamwork and sharing leadership, collaborate to create forwards momentum.
- Bonding with family though solving problems together.
Hazel x