The pinnacle of the Luna cycle is the full moon. It’s face turning to us once a month is a constant illumination throughout our life. A full moon happens on day 16 of its steady 29.5 day orbit around Earth. It’s enduring presence evokes our fears and inspires our imaginations.
People of the past feared the full moon, believing it brought about madness and untold dangers. Even now research has suggested time again that there are more emergency calls around a full moon. Our pagan ancestors would have revered it, honouring it as a God. And any farmers almanac would tell you of the increased growth of their crops during a full moon. So let’s take a look at the March Full Moon AKA The Worm Moon…

March Full Moon
Full Moon Meaning And Symbols
March is a time for sowing seeds and transplanting new growth. In the Western Hemisphere the earth is starting to thaw. The name Worm moon was given as a farming almanac by the native people of America. Useful for planting, this moon would traditionally bring the first signs of spring with it and all the potential that new growth would offer. Sometimes called the Death moon, as the snow may linger food stores would run low or empty. Tribal and nomadic people would have felt both struggle and anticipation for abundance during this time.
Energy And Elements
Here are the various colours, elements and energy associated with the March Full Moon. Try adopting a fresh daily practice of diffusing some of the essential oils or including the various crystals to your rituals.
- Energy: Grounding, spiritually aware, perceptive
- Avoid: self criticism and self limiting behaviour, overthinking, melancholy
- Colour: pale green, light brown, yellow
- Essential oils: Ravensara. This oil is refreshing and sharp (much like pine or tea tree). It is said to elevate the mood, and is great for mental fatigue. Helps to clear stale energy and cleanse the air. Perfect for spring cleaning.
- Crystal: amethyst, moonstone, opal
March Full Moon Astrology
The Worm moon will be routed in the sharp analytical sign of Virgo. Reaching its fullness at 17:46 GMT on Monday 9th March 2020. The energy of this moon may fill us with a need to order and control aspects of life we feel are chaotic. However what we feel we need and what we require may differ. Allowing your life to find its own course may be the best remedy for your current wellbeing and future security. Virgo moons are particularly esoteric and lean heavily on spiritual and occult practice to harness their energy. Working with formal spirituality and ritual offers a great opportunity for deeper understanding of ourselves during the 3 days the moon is at its fullest. This is not a time for focusing on others needs and wants, instead focus on simple earthy projects which ground you to the land or your sense of presence. Working with clay, gardening, building with stone or natural materials would be ideal.
As in February, Mercury will be continuing its retrograde period during this March Full Moon. Mercury rules Virgo, its retrograde can be uncomfortable for Virgos and Virgo transits during these retrogrades. This can play out in our relationship or at work as we crave greater security and may feel restless with the mundane. There may also be a need to physically secure and readjust our homes as we welcome in some much needed spring energy. Much of this moon cycle is about decluttering and spring cleaning our emotions. Mars will be in Capricorn which creates a movement of forces, action and movement towards an end goal. If your goal is clarity and emotional freedom utilised properly this could be the moon for you.
Hazel x