The May Full Moon is known as the Flower Moon. May is the month where everything is beginning to bloom, full harvest won’t be for several months. Now is the time to enjoy testing our ideas, putting plans into action and watch our projects gain momentum. Hopefully the disruptions and devastation caused by COVID-19 will soon start to calm and some form of normality will return to our lives. Perhaps the time out and isolation has driven forward some personal projects for you. Read on to find out how the May Full Moon will impact our bodies, mood and healing…

The moon sets on May 7th at 04:44 (GMT) becoming full at 12:04 (GMT) the same day, which means it will not be entirely visible at its fullest point, the upside of this is we may be in for a spectacular full moonrise. I would like to talk briefly about the timing of this setting moon. In numerology, which is the divine and mystical study of numbers. This palindrome is very significant. It is believed to be a divine number of angels and God. 444 is used to bring powerful protective force to your aid. This is a healing energy, which you can utilise if you are up early on this day. Spend time in meditation. Imagine your fears and anxieties being drawn out to sea by the tide. As the moon sets at that pivotal moment of 04:44 you can imagine it is drawing protective barriers of love around you.
May Full Moon
Full Moon Meaning And Symbols
This May Full Moon will be transiting Scorpio for the next two days. The energy is ideal for meditation and deep self healing. On the surface Scorpio energy can be sharp. Opinions surface with ease and conversations are likely to be dominated by our personal views. People will be more willing to talk candidly about politics and the wrongs in the world. Under the surface Scorpio is sensual, deeply curious and sensitive. Sex may be on our mind, expressed primarily by our behaviour and body language our conversations will be more of the mundane or sociological. Online we may be especially drawn to talk to people we find attractive, the initial conversation may cover networking or politics but can quickly lead on to flirtation if the attraction is mutual.
Energy And Elements
- Energy: sensual, spiritual, electric
- Avoid: obsessive behaviour, Critical thinking.
- Colour: dark blue, purple, red, black
- Essential oils: Patchouli. This a grounding essential oil, often associated with mystics and hippies this oil can help you to stay open to alternative views why grounding you to the earth. ylang-ylang is a sweet mid/high note scent. It is said to have an aphrodisiac effect. Uplifting your mood and energy levels.
- Crystal: obsidian, lapis lazuli, labradorite
May Full Moon Astrology
Venus goes retrograde in a week. Venus rules money, romance, aesthetics and self esteem. As this May Full Moon will be in the retrograde shadow period, it’s a good idea to not make drastic changes to your life or aesthetic this week. Focus on small fun changes which don’t cost a lot of money. It is also a good idea to pause any relationship issues, don’t make rash decisions as these can be quickly regretted once Venus goes direct.
The way to navigate this shadow period is to allow your inner child to play. Pluto will be retrograde in Capricorn. Pluto rules personal transformation. Capricorn often hinders Pluto’s transformative qualities by suppressing spontaneous transformation. Encouraging order, research and structure. When Pluto is retrograde we may find that our personal transformative goals are halted or move much slower than planned. It may seem easier to take short cuts, but this can lead to long term issues and slow your overall progress. Acceptance is key to success, all our long term more meaningful personal projects will move slowly this year. If your goals are short term, fun and frivolous expect them to bloom during this moon.
Hazel x