Acne is a surprisingly common skin condition that many of us will have to deal with at some point or another in our lives. There are many natural remedies and lifestyle changes you can make to help with the condition which we will explore in this post. We generally associate acne with teens, but many of us will experience this skin complaint well into adulthood, suffering with acne for years before being able to find a solution that will keep our skin clean and clear. When it comes down to it, acne is a multifaceted condition that has a seemingly never ending list of potential causes and potential solutions. Of course, acne can be uncomfortable or even painful and can have a hugely detrimental impact on our self-confidence. So, it’s absolutely essential that we do our utmost to tackle it! Here’s a little more information on the topic, as well as some ideas as to how you can tackle acne once and for all!

As with most skin conditions, Acne is almost always internal, so you need to start from the inside, clean up what’s happening inside and your skin will follow. If you have a mild case of acne, your GP may prescribe you creams or antibiotics that should help to tackle outbreaks of spots. They may also be able to recommend over the counter treatments, such as Zineryt for acne. However there are many natural remedies and lifestyle changes you can make before making a trip to the GP. Eat a predominantly plant based diet, start avoiding the following foods and experiment with natural remedies that you can make at home…
Changing Your Diet To Tackle Acne
Ditch The Dairy
There’s some evidence that suggests dietary changes can reduce the amount or severity of acne you experience. There are a number of studies that suggest cutting dairy out of your diet can have a profoundly positive impact on your skin. At the end of the day, cows do not produce milk for human consumption. Its for their calves and is therefore nutritionally based around a calf’s needs. When humans drink milk, or consume other dairy products, it can aggravate skin conditions such as acne. Switch your dairy products for nut alternatives. Avoid soy as this is a hormone disrupter, go for almond milk instead or vegan cheese options made from nuts.
Quit Sugar
You may also want to reduce sugar consumption. Foods with a high sugar content cause your insulin levels to spike quickly, which can cause inflammation in your skin. Sugar really isn’t an essential food, so there’s little reason to have high levels of it in your diet. Cut down and reap the benefits!
Bin The Beige
Beige foods such as white bread, pasta, white rice and overly processed carbs are all high glycemic foods. High glycemic foods are treated the same as any sugary snack by your body, causing a spike in your blood sugar levels. When your blood sugar spikes, your body releases the insulin hormone. The high insulin levels in your blood stream will cause your oil glands to go into overdrive and result in your skin becoming oily.
Natural Remedies To Try At Home
Experiment Using Apple Cider Vinegar
Thanks to its antibacterial properties, Apple Cider Vinegar is great for spot treating, it can help to balance the skin’s pH if used as a toner. You can try the natural remedy at home by simply applying a splash on to a cotton pad and smoothing over the skin. Be sure to buy a raw and organic apple cider vinegar. To create your own soothing and effective DIY mask, mix ½ teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with one tablespoon of aloe vera gel. Leave on clean skin for 15 mins before rinsing off. This will help your skin to feel calm and de-congested.
Cleanse With Pure Jojoba Oil
Cleanse your skin with 100% pure jojoba oil. This natural oil can help to combat oiliness and prevent breakouts. Jojoba oil has a similar structure to skin’s sebum, which are the natural oils that clog pores and cause breakouts, so it tricks the skin into not producing it. Simply rub the jojoba oil on your skin to ged rid of any makeup, then remove using a hot washcloth. Repeat if you have been wearing a lot of makeup or have major grime build up.
Introduce Raw Honey
Another great DIY face mask to try is one made from raw honey. Get a dollop of raw honey, which is naturally antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. Mix the honey with half of a teaspoon of turmeric (another antibacterial ingredient), and cinnamon. Cinnamon helps to boost circulation for a more radiant complexion. Leave the face mask on for about an hour before rinsing it off.
Remember to stay hydrated, clean up your diet and introduce some natural remedies to your skincare routine. Sure, there’s a lot more to be said for tackling acne. But hopefully, the above guide has helped to introduce you to some of the natural basics and can help you to begin treating and resolving your skin issues as quickly and effectively as possible!
“Don’t rely on labels to give you the information you need. Trust only the ingredient list and your gut.”
– Yancy Lael, Soulful Skincare