When it comes to everyday life at some point we all experience pain, be that back ache, headaches, digestive problems or joint pain. Natural Painkillers by Dr Yann Rougier & Marie Borrel is an essential guide to natural remedies for pain relief. You’ll find easy rules for a pain-fighting diet, key foods that bring pain-relief, deep breathing exercises and relaxation tips. You can also expect to discover an impressive selection of natural remedies for pain relief, potent herbal poultices, compresses, balms, massages, baths, teas and rubs.
Author Dr Yann Rougier has devoted his extensive career in medicine to studying the interrelation of mind, body, nutrition and the immune system. He is a founding member of the Institute for Applied Neuronutrition and Neurosciences. Co-Author Marie Borrel is a journalist and writer on health topics.
Natural Remedies:
This small but fact-pact book has a section full of practical advice for common ailments. Pain-management is broken down into easily digestible sections depending on the area of the body you are experiencing pain. As a quick example, there are several pages dedicated to oral health, with pain-management remedies for toothache such as a Thyme Mouthwash or using cloves to sooth the ache (which does work, as I have tried it!)
Pain-Fighting Diet:
Food plays a major role in our overall longterm health. In a pain-fighting diet foods that are very acidic should be limited. That is not to say that foods that taste acidic should be limited, it is the pH of the food we need to be aware of. For example, lemon and vinegar are very acidic tasting, but they are actually very alkalising for our system. The book explains clearly and concisely 8 rules of a pain fighting diet. Starting with the reduction of meats consumption, eating fresh fruit and vegetables and also going on to look at natural anti-inflammatory foods such as pineapple and cabbage.
Deep Breathing & Relaxation:
The Deep breathing and relaxation chapter looks into the effects of stress, tension, negative emotions and the nervous system. It is reiterated throughout the book to ‘remember it is the nervous system that carries pain signals’ so therefore it is the nervous system that is very much involved in pain, be that minor or major, chronic or acute. There are simple exercises outlined to help manage pain with deep breathing. Any yoga lovers reading will be well aware of the impact simple deep breathing exercises can have on your whole body. Deep breathing and practising mindfulness can reduce stress levels, help reduce pain, neutralise temporary pain and help in calming chronic pain.
For anyone looking to reduce pain or be armed with natural techniques to have when that time arrises, this book is an excellent handy manual to have in the home.
‘Is your arsenal ready? it’s time to begin your journey to sure and lasting pain relief’
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