October 2020 has some really exciting full moon energy. Unusually there are two full moons this month, on the first of the month and the 31st, making this Halloween a very rare blue moon! This moon is known as the Hunter moon, traditionally in the northern hemisphere this would have been a time for hunting, culling and preserving meat for the long winter ahead.

October Full Moon Astrology
This first full moon is in Aries and becomes full at 22:14 GMT. Aires is the first sign of the zodiac and rules the first of the twelve houses in astrology. Aries is and the first house are primarily about individual goals, identity, person development and growth.
Aries is ruled by the elemental of fire, like fire it can be wild and impulsive. Aries moon energy likes us to focus on our own need, if we don’t we can feel easily frustrated.
Those born under Aries can be known for being intense and single minded. They enjoy lots of freedom, like to make their own routines and can’t tolerate neediness. They can often be very physically able and strong, making them good sports people for solo sports such as cycling or running.
The down side to an intense Aires moon energy can mean a leaning towards addiction. However, if this energy is carefully nurtured it can be expressed in a controlled way as passion, possibly as an enthusiast or collector of some sort.
Navigating The Hunter Full Moon Energy
This moons energy is all about how we operate as an individual with our social and family goals. Questions about our role, labels and identity could get thrown about in discussions or else internally we may question if our own needs are being met right now.
This energy is a great time to spend alone enjoying solo hobbies. Aries directness and impulsive nature can spark creativity or give us the drive to do something unexpected and self taught. It is a wonderful time for movement of any kind, but we must listen to our bodies and not be reckless or take too many risks.
Because this full moon is so impulsive be aware of making big purchases, small items of luxury are a good way to express your need to focus on yourself without taking too big a risk. Things like buying plants, skincare, materials for our hobbies are all fun ways to indulge.
Full Moon Meaning And Symbols Energy And Elements
- Energy: Self-centred, Impulsive, Direct
- Colour: Yellow, Orange, Red
- Essential oils: Patchouli, Cedarwood, Bergamot
- Crystal: Citrine, Bloodstone, Tormaline
Actions To Take
- Indulge in self-care
- Focus on what you can control
- Get creative
- Enjoy physical activities
- Laugh out loud
Hazel x