Day one of September’s new moon is long, starting on Thursday 17th at 10:59 and continuing through the day to 05:38 on Friday 18 September. An extended first new moon day like this can be rare. The first day sometimes lasts only a few minutes. If we can make the most of this magical time great things are possible. Here’s a look at the meaning and elements to harness for this September New Moon.

September New Moon
A new moon occurs when the moon is at its almost total aligned with the sun and the earth, so blocking the sun’s reflective light, making it appear absent or a tiny crescent in our sky. This marks the beginning of the moons cycles. New moon energy is perfect for setting your intentions and letting go of limiting behaviour. This is a great time to make those nagging lists or start a new project. Setting the tone for the first 16 days leading up to the full moon.
September New Moon Meaning & Symbols
- Astrology: Virgo
- The colours: black and white, Purple
- The chakras: heart, sacral, third eye
- The energy: intellectual, creative, spirituality
- The stones: Lapis, moonstone, chrysocolla, amethyst
- Elements: Earth
- Numbers: 7,9,11
New Moon Astrology
Every moon is governed by the seasonal month in which it falls. During the moons cycle it moves through the zodiac, spending roughly 3.5 days transiting each sign. By recognising the astrological position, as well as the sun’s astrology and seasonal energy of a new moon, we can adapt our goal making us even more efficient.
The September New Moon will be sharing its astrological transit with September’s sun sign, Virgo. This will amplify aspects of Virgo behaviour. Virgo moon energy can be sharp, intellectual and encourage attention to detail, which can be cutting or bitchy if unchecked. Tiny nuances in language, semantics and puns may dominate the focus of conversation above content, this can be fun if taken light-heartedly, on the flip-side this energy can be really sensitively and cause offence.
Setting Intentions
While the September New Moon Virgo energy may encourage us to focus on practical aspects of our wellbeing and health, we can feel vulnerable if these topics are raised by others.
A deeper spiritual longing and interest in other-worldly things or the occult may enter our consciousness. A good focus for this moon cycle is organisation of projects and breaking cycles. Try to fit them around a wellness program which has a spiritual or health element. The devil or in this case liberation is in the details. Meal plans, accounting, diary planning are all great things to do during this September New Moon.
– Hex Tarot
“This New Moon remember: Observe, Organise, Order”
- Rather than make lists, open your diary and really plan. What’s working for you and what’s not? what can be moved? What needs to be prioritised?
- Send those emails, research and make those phone calls.
- Put your health and wellness first. Sound obvious but it’s so easy to forego our needs when we are busy maintaining our daily lives and routines.
- Notice what routines you have fallen into which aren’t making you feel well or happy.
- Start with your diet. Eat the most delicious health options that feed your soul and your tastebuds.
- Join a philosophy, film or book online club. Lively debate will stimulate your mind, inspire ideas and boost your sense of self worth.
Check list:
- Accept that everything is as it should be. Perfection is impossible to attain until will let go of it.
- Be witty not bitchy. Rather than criticising your loved ones save minor nagging for another day. Instead focus on sharp humour and stimulating conversations about health or creative ideas.
- Engage in intelligent debate, stimulating conversation or observations, but avoid criticism of others or yourself.
- Brainstorm. This time is perfect for teamwork, creative meanings, workshops, lectures and experimentation.
Meditation Mantra
“Everything is as it exactly how it should be in this moment.”
Work with positive routines like meditation. Listen to your favourite talk radio or stimulate your intellect with some factual reading before work. Avoid arguments online, others may get personal or become deeply insulted and it could result in trolling. The September New Moon is always a great time to start new projects particularly when we have a Virgo moon, you will find success with research and creative projects. Try to draw your information from a wide range of sources. Spiritually fulfilling experiences can be gained through mediations, or physical classes in ti chi, yoga, chi gung.