The Corn moon signifies the beginning of harvest season. Pisces rules the twelfths house of spirituality. Let’s take a look at what’s in store astrologically as we embrace the September full moon this harvest season. The moon will become full at 06:12GMT on Wednesday 2nd September 2020. The September full moon energy lasts for a round 3 days, so let’s make the most of this special time…
This moon is perhaps the most romantic and spiritual we will have this year. Relationships will have a strong focus on our actions and desires as we have a need for closeness. We also may want to speak our truth.
Speaking about your dreams or ideas, even how we feel about someone can really pay off, as we have the support of the moon’s energy backing us up. This moon will help you to understand you are worthy and loved. If something’s not working in your life the pisces energy has a knack of showing you another path.
Pisces moons are nurturing and tender. The energy can allow us to feel our partners or our own needs and indulge them without force, as long as we use our voice. Pleasure can appear from small gestures, lounging in the sunshine together, a small token of love or watching the sunset.

September Full Moon Astrology
Navigating this September full moon should be simple as long as you don’t allow your ego to distract you with unnecessary tasks. Keep things simple, make time for spiritual reflection. Enter long and loving conversations with your partner and family about your lives and ambitions. Listen attentively and accept what others are speaking as true. Physical contact is important if you are without a partner to offer this, massage, dance and pampering yourself can elevate your self esteem and feeling of love. Our intuition is likely to be spot on so if something feels right it probably is. You may want to with the energy and see where it takes you but don’t leave people second guessing about how you feel or what you need.
Full Moon Meaning And Symbols Energy And Elements
- Energy: romantic, spiritual, charming
- Avoid: self pity, ignoring your body, guilt trips
- Colour: Pale Green, Violet, Sea Green
- Essential Oils: Frankincense, Ylang Ylang, Bergamot
- Crystal: Rose Quartz, Aquamarine, Turquoise
September Full Moon Influences
The pinnacle of the Lunar cycle is the full moon. It’s face turning to us once a month is a constant illumination throughout our life. A full moon happens on day 16 of its steady 29.5 day orbit around Earth. It’s enduring presence inspired our fears and imaginations.
People of the past feared the full moon, believing it brought about madness and untold dangers. Even now research has suggested time again that there are more emergency calls around a full moon. Our pagan ancestors would have revered it, honouring it as a God. And any farmer’s almanac would tell you of the increased growth of their crops during a full moon.
Actions To Take
Try to focus on your spiritual side. Formal practices are a great way to do this, such as meditation, yoga, mindful breathing. Don’t stew over your chores or work during this moon. Instead voice your desire for freedom clearly. Be open to new people and new relationships.
- Speak your truth
- Be compassionate to your own needs and others
- Develop your spiritual awareness
- Make romantic gestures
Hazel x