Travel is one of the most fulfilling experiences. However, it can also come with a lot of stress and anxiety. For many people taking a road trip can be an amazing way to get away with the family. A road trip can come with a certain amount of stress, particularly if you have a car full or a young family. So let’s take a look at some stress free travel tips and ways to relieve the pressure to get to your destination without the stress and anxiety.

Stress Free Travel
Long car journeys can cause boredom and stress, and that’s if you don’t get lost along the way! Traffic jams, accidents, and wrong turns, all cause stress on road trips. There are certain ways you can prepare…
Plan Your Route
Preparing everything before you set off is key to stress free travel. This is particularly true if you’re unsure of the route and have never travelled to a destination before. Planning also helps identify other routes if incidents such as traffic or accidents block the way. Plus, you’ll be aware of places to stop for a break or to fill the tank with fuel.
Take Regular Breaks
It’s natural to want to get long car journeys completed as quickly as possible. However, if you don’t stop en route, it could lead to tiredness and irritability, which causes unnecessary stress. By planning your route beforehand, you can mark down key stopping areas such as truck stops and places to eat to ensure you’re fuelled up for the rest of the journey.
Pack Snacks + Water
If you’re travelling for a long time, hunger can set in on your journey. If there are not many places to stop for food, having snacks in the car will appease your passengers. Take things that are easy to grab, such as dry snacks like nuts. Fruit is also a great option as not only is it a naturally sweet treat; it’s good for you too.
Take Activities
If you’re travelling with children, you’ll know first-hand how irritable they get when boredom sets in. To relieve the stress of bored kids, take some car-friendly games to get everyone involved. Simple games such as eye-spy are always a fun option, or if you have access to a tablet, the children can watch films to pass the time.
Inspect Your Car
Before you head off, it’s vital to check over your vehicle. This check should involve everything from tire pressure, brakes, oil levels, and lights. Plus, it’s a good idea to fill up with fuel before you head out of town in case there’s nothing immediately available. There’s nothing worse than running out of fuel in the middle of nowhere. If you’re heading somewhere with snow, don’t forget a blanket, warm coat, shovel and de-icer to help if any unseen circumstances arise. Always make sure you have the relevant emergency contact and roadside assistant details too.
These are just some of the things that can make your journey stress free. By preparing in advance, it’ll take the pressure off and help you reach your destination, ready to have a great time.
The Fabulous Times