If you are just about to launch your small business, the chances are that you are concerned with all things financial. You want to ensure that you have enough capital to launch, that your cash flow is considered and that you have enough money to carry you through the first twelve months of trading. There are some simple ways to help you towards creating a financially sustainable small business that won’t break the bank.

Sustainable Small Business Basics
Every business in the twenty first century needs to be online and have visibility to attract customers. Whatever your customer demographic, chances are they will be online and searching for companies like yours. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a financial adviser, a self employed painter or you design custom made tee shirts for a living, there are a few simple things you can do to create your sustainable small business…
Soulful Social Media
Your social media feeds will be the ideal platforms to attract new business. See Facebook, Twitter and Instagram as the perfect free marketing platforms. If you consistently represent your branding across all the platforms to create you will develop a coherent message for your followers. Twitter is the perfect platform to converse with your potential market. If they have a query or comment on one of your posts, reply promptly and use a chatty and informal tone. This can help you to appear less corporate and stuffy. Instagram is more visual and perfect for those individuals working in a creative field such as graphic design and craft based startups. By posting relevant and meaningful content, you can ensure that you enhance your following and direct traffic to your website to convert into sales.
Simple SEO Strategy
If you are struggling to get the hits to your website, consider employing the services of the professionals. Companies like lgnite Digital can help you apply a search engine optimisation strategy across your online presence. They understand the power of keywords and meta tags. With a sound SEO plan, you will be able to analyse the sorts of search terms that your market will be using to land on your site. You can change up your content to maximise hits and you will see your website appear higher up the Google rankings.
Blog Benefits
Although social media platforms are great to capture the millennial market, there are still a whole host of individuals who enjoy reading blogs and being informed on a topic in more depth. You can direct traffic to your businesses blog through your social media channels and by linking to your website. This increases your exposure online and gives your business another branch to engage visitors. Writing about your product or services in depth can be a great way to show you’re an expert, which will only help your integrity and reputation.
Being online is vital for any venture in the twenty first century. If you adopt a simple SEO strategy for your website, harness the power of social media and share your knowledge and wisdom in a blog, these are three cost-effective ways to gain exposure for your small business.
The Fabulous Times