Tackling business waste is one of the key components of sustainability. For example, going paperless is a great way to cut back on office waste; around 21 million tons of paper waste is thrown away each year by businesses and we need to do everything we can to reduce that number. If you can put a paperless plan together, then you’re doing your bit for the fight. However, your efforts don’t have to stop there! There are many other ways to reduce waste output when you’re running a business – check out a few of them below.
Be Digitally Flexible
The more flexible you can be, the less carbon your working life will release. And if you can prove that your working carbon footprint is small, you won’t have to offset your efforts anywhere near as much as your competitors.
So be flexible here, especially in the digital world. The more you can move away from paper and physical files into the world of cloud storage and Cloud telephony, the better you’re going to function.
Not only will you be able to stay ahead of the curve with the most up to date technology, but you’ll also be able to conduct your operations from anywhere. And if you don’t have to leave home, that’s fewer vehicles on the road as well!
Always Have Reusable Elements on Hand
The more you can reuse things in the business, the less you’re going to use the bins out back. And when they’re empty, waste is no longer a problem. Plus, there are more and more reusable elements on the market. Items like hand wash bottles and even ink cartridges can now be refilled, meaning you just need to buy one to use forever.
And even just little changes here can go a long way. Reusable water bottles brought into work, rather than coffee mugs and kettles that need cleaning en masse – this can be a huge waste of water when carried out day by day! Keep the dishwasher off and you’ll also use far less electricity too.
Get to Know Just How Much Can Be Recycled
Recycling can be a little hard to understand when you take all the symbols out there into account. However, nearly every single material currently on the market can now be recycled. Glass, paper, cardboard, and plastic are the top four, and the more you know about throwing them away, the less landfill you’re going to generate.
Be sure to take any non-widely recycled materials to specialised centres, and never just throw something out without thinking. And if you find your company produces a lot of food waste, you could even start up your own community garden or composting heap!
Your business is going to produce some kind of waste. However, you can minimise the impact from the point of inception if you know how. Use methods like those above to limit your overall carbon output and don’t be afraid of moving towards zero waste.
Photography by Olena Sergienko