The level of abundance in your life in any area, be that love, friendship, success or finances is often a reflection of your inner state and can be transformed by your daily habits, beliefs and actions governed by what you hold in your mind and heart. Do you want to improve your money mindset and create a healthy and loving relationship with money? In this post UK Finance Blogger Jennifer from MamaFurFur shares how to transform your money mindset, shifting from scarcity to abundance…

Transform Your Money Mindset
Jennifer started her blog and Youtube channel talking about Money, Personal Finance and Success around March 2018 and since then continued her passion sharing financial knowledge that allows you to create your dream life with money as a resource to design it fully. Jennifer breaks down the complicated topics such as Investing, Saving and even starting your own business sharing the practical tools and tricks to really start to make great things happen with money over the long term.
Jennifer’s Story
My husband came with £24k roughly of consumer debt into our relationship, and as someone who had never had any debt – this really made us look at just how we could get out of that cycle of debt as a couple. I was on my second maternity leave and one night felt so stuck and trapped by this debt, meaning that I had no choice but to work full time to pay off the debt together and our bills. It was that night that I decided there had to be a better way of doing things, and so opened a world of personal finance, investing learning and personal development – I must have spent hundreds of hours going deeper and deeper into what I could find that would help us pay off that debt faster but then use money to create passive incomes and businesses for flexibility. That was three and a half years ago now, and finding a real lack of Uk based voices sharing that information – I decided to be one of the few talking about it and making content. And so Mamafurfur was born!

Get Control Of Your Money
- What are the first steps you would advise someone to take who is feeling a lack of control over thier finances?
Create A Budget
First steps are you have to create a budget or a spending summary of exactly what is coming into your household and all the debts/bills/outgoing items that must be paid.
Assess Your Spending
Look back on the last three months of your spending and look for patterns of overspending, estimated amounts of what you need for food & transportation etc.
Reduce Your Outgoings
Look at every single bill and try to make it cheaper or go without it you can – and we are then using all the spare money to throw at the debt as quickly as we can without too much pain or suffering to our daily lives.
Make Your Plan
You can then work out an exact plan of how long it will take you to become debt free and make that your main goal – bring all the income you earn back into your hands then you can start to save better towards even more important goals for your future ahead.
“Everyone has the ability to make more joy with their money – so let’s start with the hard work and change those habits.”
Jennifer from MamaFurFur– UK Finance Blogger
Positive Money Mindset Daily Rituals
- When it comes to money mindset, are there any daily rituals or practices you have adopted or cultivated to stay positive?
Gratitude Journal
For me it is as simple as being grateful for what you have, even if you feel like money is tight. I take time to write down five things everyday that are around me right now that I am thankful for in our home or our world overall. Even if I can only think of a roof over my head, gratitude is the start of appreciation and more coming our way.
Channel Your Awareness And Appreciation
I then like to track my money that comes in and even track unexpected amounts of money that come our way – it is quite remarkable how money comes into our life randomly and then noticing it adds to your appreciation.
Have A Short Term Goal
Have one money goal for the next month and then the next 3-6 months ahead – perhaps it is to have one “No Spend Day” a week or even invest some money every month, a goal will then help you notice when you achieve small steps with your money along the way.
Recommended Reading
- Can you recommend any resources that have inspired your financial wellness journey? A favourite book, blog or podcast perhaps?
My Favourite money book, outside of my own of course, is “I will Teach you to be Rich” by Ramit Sethi. This was the first book I picked up myself when I started on my own money journey, and it will break down everything you need to learn to manage your money, invest and save into a 6 week course for anyone who picks it up. I am a huge fan of using Youtube whenever you are feeling stuck for practical advice – so if there is a topic about money, debt management or starting a business you feel you need help with, start there and see what pops up!
You can learn more from Jennifer at @Mamafurfur on Instagram and Twitter. Check out Jennifer’s website