Vegetable juice might not sound all that appealing, but sling some in your juicer and you’ll have a tasty drink that can do wonders for your health and wellbeing – not least your skin.
When it comes to juicing veg, some combinations can help your skin more than others. I’ve been finding out which vegetable juice combinations can help give your skin a radiant, youthful glow as part of a healthy, balanced diet.
Use these veggie combinations as a base, and then add complementary fruits, such as green apple, to sweeten your juice to taste.
Kale, Celery and Spinach:
Give your bod a boost with the powerful combination of kale, celery and spinach. Green veggies are packed with antioxidants that can help the body oust bad bacteria, resulting in a cleansed system that’s free from pimple causing toxins. Spinach and kale also contain a large volume of vitamin A, which is often given to those suffering from acne and other skin conditions. They’re also packed with omega-3 fatty acids, which can boost your immune system and help keep your skin clear.
Cabbage & Carrots:
Cabbage isn’t the sexiest vegetable, but it is full of sulphur, which is known to help keep hair, nails and skin healthy. Combine cabbage with carrots, and you really are on to a winner. Carrots are not only sweet and delicious, they’re also chock-a-block with powerful antioxidants and vitamin A to detoxify the body and help skin cells regenerate. Vitamin C is also present in carrots, and is extremely effective at giving the skin a nourished, healthy glow.
Beetroot, Celery & Carrot:
Beetroot cleanses the blood, celery decreases inflammation and carrots boost your body’s immune system – all in all, a powerful combination. Put these ingredients in your juicer, and out comes a veggie drink capable of giving your skin a glow. Beets are particularly potent when it comes to cleaning up the skin: they cleanse the liver, kidneys and bloodstream with a combination of powerful vitamins, leaving your immune system free to fight bacteria on the skin.
Broccoli, Fennel & Chicory Leaves:
Like other green vegetables broccoli is full of good stuff, including vitamins A, C, K, E, B1, B2, B3, bera-carotene, calcium, iron, phosphorous and magnesium – all of which can do wonders for your skin. Add fennel and chicory to the mix, and the resulting juice will give your body a pimple-bashing boost. Fennel and chicory contain unique phytonutrients that give strong antioxidant properties, helping to rid the body of chemicals and toxins associated with bad skin conditions.
Ginger & Watercress:
Ginger not only tastes great, it offers a range of skin-enhancing benefits, too; the guys at Succo explain what makes ginger so special here. Packed with nutrients including magnesium, potassium and manganese, this super-root is perfect for those with acne because of its anti-inflammatory properties. Watercress on the other hand is bursting with vitamin A, which can clear up your complexion and give you a good dose of other health-enhancing minerals. Together, ginger and watercress make a potent combination for tackling skin complaints.
Live fabulous!
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