For all of the varied forms of exercise human beings have come up with, walking remains among the most effective. It’s low-intensity, meaning that just about everyone can do it. It’ll get you from place to place, making it practical. Also, it provides an unbeatable means of seeing just what Britain’s magnificent countryside has to offer. If you’re looking to take a walk through the great outdoors, then Autumn is an excellent time of the year to do it. Let’s take a look at 5 reasons to go walking this Autumn and a few pictures from my latest walk…

Crisp Autumn Days
Going for a walk when it’s oppressively hot outside is great fun when you start – but after a while, all of that sweat and exertion can take its toll, and you end up craving the relief that comes with just a slight cooling breeze. But autumn strikes a nice balance between the heat of summer and the chill of winter; there’s no slippery ice to contend with, and, provided that you’re wearing appropriate, breathable clothing from a quality retailer like Orvis, there’s no danger that you’ll end up overheating.

Peace & Quiet
The hot weather tends to bring everyone out to soak in the sunshine. When the temperatures begin to dip, those summer walkers will usually retreat once again, leaving the trails open for the rest of us. Thus, if you want to enjoy peace and tranquillity, you’re better off going for a hike in autumn. If you’re going on a longer break, then this confers another bonus: it’ll mean improved availability in all of those little bed-and-breakfasts.

Autumn Colours
While there’s a lot to be said about the British countryside at the height of summer, there’s also something unique about the autumn. Since the days are shorter, the sun ends up low in the sky for a lot of the day, which means longer shadows, and starker, striking effect, especially when paired with the morning mists and burnt-orange, leafy canopies.

Autumn is when many of Britain’s most delicious berries come into season, which makes a walk through the woods at this time of year perfect for foraging. Just be aware of what it is that you’re picking! If you’d like to take foraging to the next level, then you might even go on the hunt for nuts, seeds and truffles.

Partly as a consequence of the changing plant-life, you’ll also see different sorts of animal during autumn. It’s a time of mating, migration and some stunning displays – but you’ll need to be dedicated to see a lot of the more interesting behaviours. Still, there’s something uplifting about some of the sights that many of us consider mundane – a squirrel racing from tree to tree, or birdsong echoing through the woods, can make the trip more than worthwhile!
Happy Autumn Equinox
Stay fabulous
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